Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man (the Da Vinci Man with four arms and four legs in a square and circle) is the most popular secular symbol in the world. My 10 years of research suggests that the Vitruvian Man is a universal symbol for greater love, relationships, success, health and the new age 21st century paradigm of indivisible wholeness, the paradigm for world peace. A New Renaissance!
Leonardo said it best: "The outstretched arms and legs of a man form a square and a circle: the square symbolizes the solid physical world and the circle the spiritual and eternal. Man bridges the gap between these two worlds."
-Leonardo Da Vinci, "The Magical Proportions of Man"
The Da Vinci Man is a universal translator between scientific models (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the square) and religious symbols (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the circle). Therefore, the Vitruvian Man (Da Vinci Man) is a bridge between science and religion. There are amazing similarities between the sacred geometry of the Da Vinci Man, Yin-Yang, Star of David, Tree of Life, Christian Cross, Angels and Kabbalah.
The Da Vinci Man (Vitruvian Man) is not only the most popular symbol in the world; it is also the most popular symbol for chiropractors, massage therapists, alternative health practioners and other health practitioners. The Da Vinci Man is a physical representation of a person taken to the heights of an angel.
Individuals who are very comfortable in their own skin have embraced their emotions. They are not blocking, but are very accepting of themselves. When we come across authentic people like this, we feel very uplifted, like the Da Vinci Man, and are able to be more in touch with ourselves as well.
Authentic and integrated people are healthier. Health will suffer if we are unable to vent or release negative thoughts. They will eat away at us. If we are upset, this can affect our health. We can reach a great deal of balance if we learn how to vent our feelings in a compassionate way. Then we can come to our clarity.
Life on Purpose Leads to a Balanced Life
Health comes from the word "wholeness" or balance. Health is the result of balance and the two cojoined Da Vinci forms bring a sense of harmony and balance, the key to great health.
Very simplistically, our life is balanced between relationships and our life's purpose. This is the age-old balance between love (represented by the Da Vinci Man with arms uplifted) and work (represented by the Da Vinci Man with arms outstretched). In the best sense, this means unconditional love and living on purpose. Find the work you love in order to be in your "love-purpose"!
Exercise One: In The Aladdin Factor, Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield ask individuals to ask themselves one hundred times, "What do you really want?" Partners take turns doing this. By the time you write this down 30 times, your life purpose begins to be clearer.
Exercise Two: Answer one or more of the following questions and experience how you become more energized. What is your life purpose? Your mission? Your Sacred Contract? Your passion? Your gift to the world? Why were you born? What do you need to do in this lifetime?
The Da Vinci Man and Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
The two cojoined Da Vinci forms in the square (representing our survival needs) and circle (representing our needs for love, self-actualization and transcendence) are related to Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Da Vinci and Maslow both suggest primary areas of life that need to be balanced:
1) Survival Needs: for food, clothing and shelter;
2) Love-Belonging Needs: the need for unconditional love at home, with friends and at work;
3) Self-Actualization Needs: the need for meaning in life and the need to live on purpose;
4) Transcendence or Spiritual Needs.
When all four of these needs are met, both physical and emotional needs are met and balance is achieved. This results in good physical health.
Health comes from the word "wholeness" or balance. Lack of health indicates that we are not whole in some way. Something is out of balance. We may not be getting enough rest. Our love and work life may be out of balance. A disease is often nature's reminder that our soul is not easy with our attitudes or behavior.
The Da Vinci form in the circle represents our soul's purpose. The Da Vinci form in the square represents the physical means that allow us to achieve our purpose. We may be off our purpose in life or not demonstrating love in our heart. There may be an attitude that needs to be changed. One attitude change can change a thousand thoughts. Our soul may be forcing us to retreat from life in order to take a look at the direction our life is going. Are you on your purpose in life? Are you following your mission? Are you completing the contract you made with yourself in this lifetime?
When we are "on purpose" and in our "soul's purpose," the goal is already in our heart. Obstacles, as well as aches and pains, go to the sidelines. Furthermore, energy is released to help overcome obstacles and heal aches and pains.
Forgiveness is another key to great health. Forgiveness happens when the circle allows itself to be joined with the square (heaven on earth; heaven in every earthly condition).
Can you see how the two cojoined Da Vinci forms bring a sense of harmony and balance, the key to great health?
Da Vinci Code Leonardo
Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man (the Da Vinci Man with four arms and four legs in a square and circle) is the most popular secular symbol in the world. My 10 years of research suggests that the Vitruvian Man is a universal symbol for greater love, relationships, success, health and the new age 21st century paradigm of indivisible wholeness, the paradigm for world peace. A New Renaissance!
Leonardo said it best: "The outstretched arms and legs of a man form a square and a circle: the square symbolizes the solid physical world and the circle the spiritual and eternal. Man bridges the gap between these two worlds."
-Leonardo Da Vinci, "The Magical Proportions of Man"
The Da Vinci Man is a universal translator between scientific models (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the square) and religious symbols (represented by the Da Vinci Man in the circle). Therefore, the Vitruvian Man (Da Vinci Man) is a bridge between science and religion. There are amazing similarities between the sacred geometry of the Da Vinci Man, Yin-Yang, Star of David, Tree of Life, Christian Cross, Angels and Kabbalah.
Da Vinci devoted over 20 years of his life to the squaring of the circle, represented by the Vitruvian Man, his figure with four arms and four legs. Many believe it was Da Vinci's greatest passion and he himself believed it would transform humanity. The Da Vinci Man inspires the 21st century paradigm of Indivisible Wholeness, the paradigm for world peace. Da Vinci believed that the proportions of the human body were magical and the Da Vinci Man represented man (the microcosm) created in the image of God (the macrocosm).
What the Feminine and Masculine Need from Each Other
The two cojoined Da Vinci forms represent the masculine anchor (Da Vinci Person with arms outstretched) and feminine flow (Da Vinci Person with arms uplifted). Remember that kindness, gratitude and honoring each other is the greatest wisdom.
When two people work in partnership they become anchors (represented by the Da Vinci Man with arms outstretched) and creative inspiration for each other (represented by the Da Vinci Man with arms uplifted). In a great marriage, the teamwork is like four arms and four legs working together as one. It is represented by the Da Vinci Man with arms outstretched.
Give your partner your full attention. Let them know you believe in them. If you feel they have something vulnerable to share with you, encourage them to do so. To really understand someone is to love and accept them just the way they are. Give them the space to express their feelings. Don't be defensive (or reactive), don't interrupt them and don't try to fix them. If you think they have not expressed themselves fully, say to them, "Tell me more," or, "Keep sharing." Validate your partner's courageous expression by thanking them.
This is addressed to each man and woman, as well as the masculine and feminine nature in each of us. If we can understand the differences between the feminine and the masculine nature, each can be more flexible, more allowing and giving to the other.
What the Feminine Needs from the Masculine
The feminine needs to be in relationship, because the feminine needs to nest. Therefore, she needs a man who is stable, who is an anchor and who is on his purpose.
God could not be everywhere at once so He/She created Mothers, the most important job on the planet! A nurturing Mother can free a child from all sorts of problems and set them on the road to greater spiritual growth, love, health and wealth.
The feminine energy is flexible and flowing. It needs the masculine energy's full attention in order to feel anchored. The feminine needs to express herself as a mother, goddess, force of nature and warrior. The feminine knows how to express itself emotionally, like forces of nature with tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes and tidal waves. However, the feminine does not want to be fixed. She just wants to express herself and be validated so that she can figure it out for herself.
The masculine needs to check out and go into his cave to transition from work. However, the masculine should be warned that he will face the full fury of the forces of nature if the feminine feels ignored. There is nothing more upsetting to the feminine than not having full attention from the masculine because it interrupts her flow. The feminine needs to go into a well until she feels safe enough to totally express her feelings. The feminine is able to use both sides of her brain. This is why she is able to multi-task (do many things at once).
Communication is an excellent way for the feminine to express herself. The feminine will find herself very validated in these exercises. Be very patient with the masculine and encourage him in learning these exercises, which are more natural and easier to learn for the feminine than the masculine.
Why have women undergone a transformation? Until recent times, women were considered property of the husband. They only received the right to vote eighty years ago. Now women are in the marketplace, forging their own careers and not as dependent on their husbands as they were fifty years ago. They do not have to suffer misbehavior from a man any more and can be strong enough to get their own needs met.
What the Masculine Needs from the Feminine
The masculine needs to be on purpose in order to support his family and find meaning in life. The feminine needs to let the masculine know she is proud of him for being a warrior on his purpose. One of the most encouraging things the feminine can tell the masculine is, "I believe in you."
The feminine expresses herself through emotional flow. The masculine expresses himself through building and anchoring. Masculine energy is the container for the feminine ocean. Masculine energy is stable and anchoring. However, this makes him feel rigid. As a result, the masculine feels almost dead inside. He needs feminine flow to feel alive. He may like to escape into extreme sports to feel free from his body.
The feminine force of nature makes the masculine feel alive. It is why he needs the feminine to surrender, to feel alive through her flow. The masculine loves the feminine ability to express the forces of nature. There is nothing more satisfying for the masculine than to be an anchor for those forces and feel their fullness enter into him. It makes him feel alive.
The masculine needs freedom to withdraw in order to gather strength to relate to his partner. Relationships are not as easy for him. That is why a man needs to go into his cave to relax for a few minutes, fortify himself and transition. Then he can give more to his partner.
The masculine also needs more space because he uses primarily one side of the brain at a time. This make him more modal (the inclination to do just one thing at a time). If there is a problem, he likes getting straight to the point and wants to fix it. However, rather than telling a woman what to do, he should let her express herself and validate her feelings. The masculine is not as intuitive as the feminine, which is why he often needs the feminine to tell him what she needs.
The two cojoined Da Vinci forms represent the masculine anchor (arms outstretched) and feminine flow (arms uplifted). Can you see how the two cojoined forms of the Da Vinci Man represent the union of the masculine and feminine?
Allen Rubin has sinced written about articles on various topics from Health, Environment and Religion. Allen Rubin is author of "The Da Vinci Man Code: Leonardo's Real Secret Code" with 400 illustrations. View entire article series and sample chapter at . Allen Rubin's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark Allen Rubin to your Favourites.
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