If you are like many people all around the world, you love the idea of cultivating, feeding, and watering, your own garden. Afterwards, you want to be able to sit around your garden with a cup of tea and enjoying all that hard work, as the flowers begin to bloom. However, if you do not have a yard, it makes it all but impossible to create your dream garden.
So many people want to grow their own garden, however, they simply do not have the room, rather they live in an apartment building or a zero lot line home, which creates a problem with a garden.
Do not worry, there is a solution just for you, consider container gardening. This type of garden was designed for those without a yard wanting a garden, to have just that.
The great thing about container gardening is that you can use a variety of different containers. You simply have to use your imagination. If you are wanting to have a garden, but have no yard, you could create a beautiful garden with things such as cement blocks, hanging baskets, clay pots, or window boxes.
You could also use things such as cast iron tubs or wheelbarrows to take the place of a yard that simply is not big enough. There are so many options when it comes to contain gardening, it is only limited by your imagination.
While, you can use most anything for your container garden, you should avoid any containers that have been used to store chemicals, as well as treated wood. This could lead to the sudden death of your flowers and lead to failure of your container garden.
Of course, you will want to take the following into consideration when you are ready to begin container gardening, in order for it to be successful.
First, with any container that you choose, you need to ensure that it has adequate drainage. It may be necessary for you to create holes in the container to help this along. You should also make sure the containers are placed on a raised surface, not upon the floor, to ensure for the best possible drainage.
You should also ensure that which ever containers you choose, they are appropriate in size for the plants you choose. You want to prevent the roots from overgrowing the container.
If you are looking for fresh veggies, you could consider container gardening with vegetables. This requires a process that differs from that of flower gardening. Talk to an employee at a supply store in your area, they can help you in choosing the right containers for the vegetables you are wishing to grow.
Many people love container gardening because it provides you with a garden that is portable. You can move your garden anywhere you please, giving it adequate sunlight, if you have the room to move it.
Soil and watering are also very important in container gardening. Compost mixed with loam or potting soil will best serve the purpose. Either allows for proper drainage and growth. Any other type of soil does not provide adequate drainage and is far too heavy.
For container gardens, they generally dry out at a faster rate than other types of gardens. When container gardening, you will need to water the plant two to three times daily. This depends on where you live, of course.
For people who love gardening but have no space to pursue their hobby, container gardening is the solution to their problem.
Dead Space Limited Edition
But we will now suppose that it is possible to really choose just the right site for the garden. What shall be chosen? The greatest determining factor is the sun. No one would have a north corner, unless it were absolutely forced upon him; because, while north corners do for ferns, certain wild flowers, and begonias, they are of little use as spots for a general garden.
If possible, choose the ideal spot a southern exposure. Here the sun lies warm all day long. When the garden is thus located the rows of vegetables and flowers should run north and south. Thus placed, the plants receive the sun's rays all the morning on the eastern side, and all the afternoon on the western side. One ought not to have any lopsided plants with such an arrangement.
Suppose the garden faces southeast. In this case the western sun is out of the problem. In order to get the best distribution of sunlight run the rows northwest and southeast.
The idea is to get the most sunlight as evenly distributed as possible for the longest period of time. From the lopsided growth of window plants it is easy enough to see the effect on plants of poorly distributed light. So if you use a little diagram remembering that you wish the sun to shine part of the day on one side of the plants and part on the other, you can juggle out any situation. The southern exposure gives the ideal case because the sun gives half time nearly to each side. A northern exposure may mean an almost entire cut-off from sunlight; while northeastern and southwestern places always get uneven distribution of sun's rays, no matter how carefully this is planned.
The garden, if possible, should be planned out on paper. The plan is a great help when the real planting time comes. It saves time and unnecessary buying of seed.
New garden spots are likely to be found in two conditions: they are covered either with turf or with rubbish. In large garden areas the ground is ploughed and the sod turned under; but in small gardens remove the sod. How to take off the sod in the best manner is the next question. Stake and line off the garden spot. The line gives an accurate and straight course to follow. Cut the edges with the spade all along the line. If the area is a small one, say four feet by eighteen or twenty, this is an easy matter. Such a narrow strip may be marked off like a checkerboard, the sod cut through with the spade, and easily removed. This could be done in two long strips cut lengthwise of the strip. When the turf is cut through, roll it right up like a roll of carpet.
But suppose the garden plot is large. Then divide this up into strips a foot wide and take off the sod as before. What shall be done with the sod? Do not throw it away for it is full of richness, although not quite in available form. So pack the sod grass side down one square on another. Leave it to rot and to weather. When rotted it makes a fine fertilizer. Such a pile of rotting vegetable matter is called a compost pile. All through the summer add any old green vegetable matter to this. In the fall put the autumn leaves on. A fine lot of goodness is being fixed for another season.
Even when the garden is large enough to plough, I would pick out the largest pieces of sod rather than have them turned under. Go over the ploughed space, pick out the pieces of sod, shake them well and pack them up in a compost heap.
Mere spading of the ground is not sufficient. The soil is still left in lumps. Always as one spades one should break up the big lumps. But even so the ground is in no shape for planting. Ground must be very fine indeed to plant in, because seeds can get very close indeed to fine particles of soil. But the large lumps leave large spaces which no tiny root hair can penetrate. A seed is left stranded in a perfect waste when planted in chunks of soil. A baby surrounded with great pieces of beefsteak would starve. A seed among large lumps of soil is in a similar situation. The spade never can do this work of pulverizing soil. But the rake can. That's the value of the rake. It is a great lump breaker, but will not do for large lumps. If the soil still has large lumps in it take the hoe.
Many people handle the hoe awkwardly. The chief work of this implement is to rid the soil of weeds and stir up the top surface. It is used in summer to form that mulch of dust so valuable in retaining moisture in the soil. I often see people as if they were going to chop into atoms everything around. Hoeing should never be such vigorous exercise as that. Spading is vigorous, hard work, but not hoeing and raking.
After lumps are broken use the rake to make the bed fine and smooth. Now the great piece of work is done.
Both Brooke Hayles & Jasper Sayer are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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