A deleted file recovery utility can and often will return your your lost data. However, finding a solution to your data woes isn't the problem - the issue could potentially be you. See, the more you fiddle around with your computer after a file has been deleted, you increase the chances of permanently losing those files. It's very important to stop using your computer as soon as a file is deleted to increase the chances of successful recovery.
Your deleted file is there - you just can't see it!
When you delete a file, it's not really lost. This is the entire basis behind the business of the deleted file recovery. What is happening is your operating system marks the files as being deleted which is why it can't be recognized.
If you delete a file, you are giving your computer the go ahead to write new information to the space where your file is located. If this happens you cannot recover your original data. If you fail to use a deleted file recovery utility, you may never find out if the deleted files can be retrieved. In short, your computer's operating system recognizes the deleted files, it gives it permission to write new information over the old. This eliminates your original files completely. This is how you lose data for good.
The what if question
Deleted file recovery programs can recover data under many circumstances as long as the file system isn't altered. This includes accidental file deletion, malfunctioning software, formatted hard drives, deleted partitions and files lost by a power outage. However, deleted file recovery cannot work on corrupt file recovery cases where the components like MFT or a boot sector have been compromised. Go find a standard file recovery software product in this case.
Other recovery options
You can recover files in advanced file systems like Linux, but not with a standard deleted file recovery package. In order to recover the deleted file is to use software that requires a "raw recovery" method. Once recovery is complete, the names and attributes of the data will be wiped clean. The file extensions will still be present. You will need to look through all the files to see what is there and isn't.
It's worth a try
Typically, deleted file recovery is a user friendly process. And know that your deleted files are probably still somewhere hiding on your hard drive; you just don't see them. Various utilities are available that can help recover deleted files, som ebetter than other. But on the most part they are similar.
Still, there are no guarantees when it comes to deleted file recovery since so many sceanarios exist in recovering files. The best way to get results is to go ahead and try using a deleted file recovery program for yourself.
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