E-marketing solutions aren't a fad. They're a proven method for marketing your business. E-mail messages are a simple way to harness the power of e-marketing solutions. The hurdle you have to overcome is getting your potential customers to look at what you have to say. A compelling subject line is the secret to convincing your prospect to read your e-mail.
Research consistently shows that checking e-mail is the number one online activity. In fact, that's the only reason that some Internet users log on at all. At first this information may leave you feeling frustrated. How will you ever get these people to learn about your products if they're not looking at your website?
It's time to rethink e-mail! Communicating with potential customers via e-mail is one of the most effective e-marketing solutions available to you. The key is knowing how to get their attention. You have to make sure that you don't blend in with the scams and spam that inundate our inboxes these days. Your objective is to make your e-mail stand out so that it turns prospects into customers.
The right e-marketing solution can get someone who's never even heard of your product to realize it's something they can't live without. The first step is to capture your reader's attention. Once you've got them intrigued, they'll read your e-mail and take in your full marketing message. By the time they've reached the bottom of the e-mail, you have convinced them that your product will make their lives better. That's the power of an effective subject line.
Don't just dive in and start typing away, though. In order to craft an e-mail that gets the job done, you need to know the components of a successful e-marketing solution.
The important element of your marketing e-mail is the subject line. With an inbox full of messages to deal with, the subject line of an e-mail is one of the ways that a person decides whether to read it or trash it. The best way to get them to do the latter is to ask a question in the subject line. This question should be carefully crafted. It should create a sense of urgency by promising an answer to a specific question.
Here's an example. Suppose you own an online business that sells gardening products. An intriguing subject line would be something like "Are squirrels taking over your vegetable garden?" By comparison, a subject line such as "Keeping rodents away from your vegetables" is less likely to capture someone's interest.
The question should be a teaser. Once they've read it, they just can't ignore it. They want to know the answer. You're drawing them in with the promise of information that will improve their lives or their business.
Remember, whatever the e-marketing solution, it should always answer this question: what's in it for me? A busy person (and everyone is busy) needs to be convinced that they should give you some of their valuable time. By tacking on an extra tidbit after your question, you increase their interest. Now they know that you're not just asking question. You're going to provide them with a useful answer to that question. For example, you could use something like, "Are squirrels taking over your vegetable garden? 3 simple ways to keep out the rodents."
When you receive e-mail, you have three choices. You can open it up and read it, save it for later or delete it. A hum-drum subject line, or one that's blatant self-promotional, won't get your e-mail read. An e-mail that winds up in the virtual trash bin isn't a successful e-marketing solution. The importance of a compelling subject line can't be overstated. Your e-mail might contain top-notch content, but it doesn't mean anything if it's never opened.
E Mail Subject Line
It may be hard to imagine, but the power of e-marketing solutions can be instrumental to the success of your brand. Advertising a product or service via e-mail is easy, but your efforts will be lost if your potential audience doesn't read your well-crafted e-mail. Getting a potential customer to read your e-mail starts and ends with an effective subject line.
Studies indicate that some Internet users go online only for checking their e-mail. That reality can work to your advantage in preparing e-marketing solutions specifically for e-mail, if you know how to capture the readers' attention. These days everyone's inboxes are bombarded with all manner of spam, most if it purporting to sell something bigger, better and altogether more life altering than anything that has come before it. The problem is that these e-mails are, much more often than not, scams. Your goals are to get your e-mails read and to convert potential customers into actual customers.
A well-crafted marketing e-mail will convince someone who may have never even considered buying a product like yours that they cannot live without it. The process is thus: First pique the readers' interest, converting them from casual readers into prospects. Then they read your e-mail further and are convinced that they need whatever it is you are selling. Better yet, they begin to wonder how they ever lived without it! And if your product delivers what your e-mail campaign claims, a customer often becomes a repeat customer. And it all started with a humble (but effective!) subject line.
But wait: Before you go running off to your computer with dreams of creating an e-mail message readers can't refuse, you'll need to know what an effective e-marketing solution looks like. Here are a few tips to get you started:
One of the most effective ways to grab readers by the collar and make them listen to what you have to say is to ask them a question right in the subject line of the e-mail. Be careful though! You want to ensure that the question in your e-mail is crafted in a way that will elicit the answer you want. If you ask a question that is too open-ended and you don't get the answer you want, your efforts are lost. If you were the owner of an independent book store and you came across an e-mail with the subject line "Is your store struggling to compete with the big guys?" chances are good that you would be intrigued. On the other hand, if an e-mail with the identical body text had the subject line "5 easy ways to stand out," it's not likely to fetch the reader's attention. Tailor your approach to your targeted audience.
Leave them wanting more. Make sure the subject line of your marketing e-mail not only asks a question, but also asks an enticing question to which the reader is compelled to know the answer. You want to be a tease so your reader will want to know more. Craft your e-mail subject line so that they are left with no other choice but to open your e-mail and read it.
Always bear in mind the "what's in it for me?" mentality; most people live by this mantra. To get your readers to open your message, you will need to convince them that there is something in it for them to do so. Everyone is busy, and you need to incite a sense of urgency in your reader. Using the example above, adding just a few words to it would not only convince the readers that the contents of the e-mail pertains to them, but that it will somehow make their lives better and that they must read further. How about: "Is your store struggling to compete with the big guys? 5 easy ways to stand out." The reader will read that and instantly feel included in your intended audience, the answer to the question will likely be "yes," and you are compelling them to read further by offering an easy solution, the "what's in it for them" factor.
Every time Internet users sit down to read their e-mail, they have three choices to make for each. They can delete it outright, leave it to read later or open it immediately and read it. If the subject line of your marketing e-mail isn't relevant and compelling, it isn't going to be read. It will either be left for later or deleted. Either way, this is not an effective e-marketing solution for your business. By taking the time to craft an effective e-mail subject line, you increase your potential for e-mail marketing success exponentially. Of course, what's inside the e-mail counts too, but if you don't compel your reader to read past the subject line, everything else is irrelevant.
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