When you begin working a show or festival, you want to be able to display effectively and often, the little tips mentioned below can be exactly what you need to showcase what you sell. While shows and fairs vary from one location and show to the next, you will still need many of the same props regardless of what you are given to use at the craft show or other event.
As with any merchandising, lighting is key. If you are outside, it shouldn't be too much of a problem until the sun begins to go down in the evening. Then, you need to be sure you have adequate lighting and that the pieces of art or the products you want displayed are easily seen.
Another great merchandising idea is to display your work at various heights. You can do this without spending a lot of money. For instance, use various sizes of boxes and cover them in felt or even carpet if you have scrap carpet to give a graduated incline showing all of your products. A good thing to do with this idea is to showcase products that go together with each incline. For example, if the first piece you show is a pair of earrings on the “bottom box” or step, then the taller box next to it would be a matching necklace draped over the earrings to show-off the fact that the set matches.
Display your work neatly. You don't want to throw your art or products out on a table to the point it looks like a free-for-all rather than a display that shows the artist or vendor has made an effort to market to the interested eye. Additionally, try to keep things “in front of” the people you want to draw in. Don't place things high up above the eye level of the passing traffic. Keep things simple. You want your customer to be able to pick up what they are buying and then offer to swap you cash for it!
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