If you have ever had credit card debt before then you know how annoying it is to receive calls, letters, and even e-mails asking for payments. Once you enter a debt negotiation program, you'll be on your way to reducing and paying off your debt, and those calls will often stop almost immediately.
Con: Temporary Setbacks
Sometimes with credit card negotiation, your credit score will temporarily take a hit. This may have you running for the hills, but do not give up just yet. As the phrase goes, some times you have to take a step backwards to take two steps forward. And remember, by making your payments on time your credit score will eventually come back up.
Pro: Improved Credit
If you have been in debt for a while then your credit may already have been affected. However, it is never too late to get your credit back together. Debt specialists will usually work hard to negotiate your debt down to a manageable amount, which will help you improve and manage your credit.
Con: Creditors Get Stingy
Occasionally when creditors are being negotiated for less, they start to get a little stingy. In the worst-case scenario, they may take you to court in attempt to get all of their money. However, many debt negotiation programs provide insurance for this type of situation, and to be perfectly honest it very rarely actually happens.
Pro: Personal Service
When you hire a company to help reduce your debt, you will be assigned a personal negotiator that will work on your specific case. That specialist will get to know you and your case very well, which will make it easier for them to speak on your behalf and more likely to lower your debt quickly and efficiently.
Con: Not Everyone Qualifies
While this could also be a pro in a way, most debt negotiation programs require certain qualifications for their services. One qualification is that you have a minimum amount of debt, and the specific amount will vary by company, but is usually around $10,000.
Pro: Reduced Debt
The biggest and best pro of all is the end result, reduced debt. Some debt negotiation services boast they can lower your debt anywhere from 40-60%, which can amount to quite a chunk of cash. Although the specific reduction percent will vary per client, in the end the debt is almost always reduced by a significant amount.
Fha Pros And Cons
The “blogging revolution”… how many times have you heard that? I'd call it the “blogging invasion”. It seems that any one, no matter how novice to the Internet, can master a blog: there's no need to know HTML and it's free. These are the first “pros”. But are they really “pros”?
Let's see: if any one can master a blog, it means any one can have a blog and write whatever he or she has in mind: a dream, a recipe, a funny story about a cat, a poem, a diary, a sleazy comment about another person, porn, hateful remarks and more. Hey, it's a free world! But, because there are so many bloggers out there, it's rather difficult to find quality blogs.
If you run an online business and try to use blogs to promote your products and services, you'll certainly find blogging advantageous. Blogging will help develop stronger relationships and loyalty with your clients by providing useful information on regular basis. A newsletter has the same impact, but, unless you create a “newsletter archive” online, the search engines will not index it.
Blogs are different: search engines scan them on daily basis. This means you are reaching a far larger public than you expect and no one can accuse you of spamming. Another advantage is that by enabling comments to your blog, you'll have a free opportunity to get feedback and see how the readers react to your products, prices, etc. Moreover: a professional blog will help in presenting your organization as a trustworthy and experienced one.
Now to the “cons”: as already mentioned, because many people don't have anything of value to say, and since they write it anyway, it's difficult to find quality blogs. For business blogs it's also difficult to find the right blogger who can write comprehensible text that appeal to the public and call to action. Blogs are easy to start and hard to maintain. You think blogging is a free advertising and marketing strategy, but have you considered your time? Writing is a time-consuming task. If you don't update your blog, your organization might lose good points on reputation.
Should you hire a professional writer to blog for your organization? Many online entrepreneurs do. On the long term this is a good investment: you'll have time to take care of other aspects of your business. A good publishing strategy will help your organization build a professional reputation that will attract more and more clients.
There's real money in words: the more you blog, the more traffic you get. The more traffic, the more chances to make a sale.
Both Naveen & Scott Lindsay are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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