Many people are attracted to the income potential that network marketing opportunities present and find themselves sucked into the dream. This dream is the often heard sales pitch of being your own boss, making your own hours and living the life you always dreamed of. So why is it that most people who pursue this dream fail? We are going to take a look at what you should expect with your first year in network marketing and how you can be one of the survivors that come out on top.
Day 1
This is when you first officially sign up. People on this level are usually pumped full of adrenaline and are ready to take on the world. In their minds they think that they have found the perfect opportunity and are ready to sit back and collect checks for the rest of there life.
Day 1 Tip: Don't get too excited right away. You have to sit back and be realistic and say to yourself, "I am going to have to do some work for this dream to become a reality." Before you even start you should have a business plan, contact your sponsor and ask them for the best plan of action and set small goals for yourself that can easily be achieved. If your goals are too big from the start, you are going to get discouraged because you will not reach them in a realistic time frame.
Month 1
The first month is usually what weeds out the serious team players from the opportunity seekers. After your first month, you should know if this is really for you and something you want to pursue. Too many people in network marketing fail to see results in the first month and quit to try and find the better deal. In reality even if they find a better deal they will only wind up quitting again because they will repeat the same cycle of taking no action, seeing no results and getting discouraged and quitting once again.
Month 1 Tip: By now you should know if you are going to stick it out for the long haul in network marketing. Your first month will probably be a loss if you are new to the business but now you should have a plan of action to start seeing results. Your next step is to make sure the people you sponsor have a system to duplicate your success. You have to be a mentor to your team just like your sponsor is to you. Now is the time to start training the people on your team who are willing to work and your business should double or even triple in the next couple of months. Concentrate on your top 3 distributors. If you don't have any yet, just keep on recruiting and eventually you will find a power distributor.
Year 1
By this point after your first year in network marketing your business should be comfortably growing exponentially every month. You have to remember also that if you were to start a regular brick and mortar business, you sometimes don't see profit for 3-5 years. The great thing about network marketing is that you can get into profit very quickly if you work it hard. There might be some people that are not making money at the end of year one. These people are the no action takers and are sitting back waiting for their upline to do the work for them. It is never going to happen for them and they will be constantly searching for the easy way out. Sometimes these people might stay on your team for years and not make any money. Although they may make you money, it is better off not having them because you are wasting your time trying to train them when you can be training more willing individuals.
First Year In Network Marketing Tip:
At this point if you have done your homework and have followed your business plan you should have a nice size organization that is bringing in nice residual income. The most important thing to do now is not get lazy. Many network marketers make the mistake of slowing down when there business gets big and expect it to run on autopilot. This is not true and you can never stop sponsoring. You must always sponsor new people because there are always going to be people that drop out, even heavy hitters, so you need to stay on top of your game.
You have probably heard that this business is just a numbers game. Their is some truth to that but trust me you are better off with quality over quantity in this business. Your first year in network marketing is about building relationships with your team members and downline and learning the ins and outs of the business. After your first year you should be an expert and ready to take on new things. It is very important to remember to have a positive attitude and realistic goal setting to get through your first year in network marketing. If you do this you will be way ahead of the 95% that fail.
First Year In Network Marketing
There are a wide variety of tools that can be useful in network marketing. Once you have your leads for your network marketing business, you will need ways to keep them organized. One way to do this is to purchase a good quality day planner. It will make your network marketing a lot easier on you. You will be a lot more organized, productive, and a lot happier since all you have to do is to turn a few tabs and make your notes. It will put all of your network marketing business and personal information in the same place. You can do away with those filing cabinets and all the extra paper. The right day planner will put all you need right at your fingertips. Your life will be a whole lot easier.
Keep notes on what you should remember as you continue to build and grow your network marketing business. Write down everything you need to know in about your network marketing business in a single binder. Your day planner will keep everything together for you and help you make your network marketing business as easy as possible.
Getting yourself some good ongoing network marketing training tools can give you that extra boost to make your business a complete success. You can pass this wealth of information along to your downline which will earn you more money in the long run since you will be helping them earn money. Training will be the most valuable tool that you will purchase; however, there are some free training programs for network marketing available on the internet. Take advantage of them and make your network marketing business a complete and utter success.
By doing a simple search for network marketing tools using your favorite search engine, you will find a plethora of websites and information available to you. You will want to check each one out and pick the tools and training that will work best for you. You will want to pass that knowledge on down to your downline. After all, if they are succeeding in their network marketing business, then chances are you are succeeding in yours.
A good lead generating service can be the ultimate network marketing tool, especially if those leads are good and legitimate. They can put you in contact with people that are already interested in your business or product. In some cases you can find free leads online; however, keep in mind that you will get what you pay for. Not all free leads are good leads. Your best leads will be double opt-in leads. These are people that are not only interested in your product or service, but they are interested in your business as well.
Both Daniel Cassidy & Diep Tran are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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