Have you ever noticed how incredibly sexy ankle tattoos look on women? You see I think many people missed the boat by getting lower back tattoos instead. Ankle tattoos are every bit as sexy if not even sexier then lower back tattoos and they are not as over played and boring. Ankle tattoos are a great tattoo for a first trimmer or someone that already has a lot of tattoos. They are discreet and easy to cover up or show off depending on the situation, they lend themselves to smaller more feminine designs, and typically very inexpensive to design and get inked.
Discreet and Irresistible
You see many women today have gone out and gotten lower back tattoos. Of course these are very sexy and many women love them and of course it peaks just about every guys curiosity. It is the slightly hidden factor of a lower back tattoo that makes it so sexy. Well, ankle tattoos are exactly the same. These incredible tattoo accentuate a very beautiful part of a women's body and yet they are easy to reveal or cover up depending on the situation.
Smaller In Size
Typically ankle tattoos are smaller in size due to their location and the amount of skin to cover. However, this can be used to the benefit of the female getting this incredible tattoo. They can design some sexy, cute and smaller tattoo design. So it is just a hint or splash of color and design that peeks out. Typically women tend to get much smaller and more intricate tattoo designs then men and therefore an ankle tattoo is the perfect place.
Inexpensive To Get Designs And Tattooed
Since ankle tattoo are smaller and a less complicated design then many other tattoo they are also inexpensive. Bing that they are often pretty easy to design and can be completed in one or possibly two sittings it is cheaper to design that tattoo and much less to get the actual ink work done. Prices on tattoos of course vary greatly depending on the artist, the tattoo design and many other factors. However ankle tattoos often cost between $50 to $150 dollars.
Common Ankle Tattoo Themes
There are many different designs but some of the more common themes that work well on the ankle area are circular designs.
Celtic knot work
Tribal designs that look feminine
No matter what design or style you choose you are sure to end up having a great tattoo if you choose an ankle tattoo. They are sexy and make a wonderful tattoo. Due to their location they are often a long lasting tattoo that required little maintenance over time.
Sara Blacksmith has sinced written about articles on various topics from Tattoo. An intensive love for the art and expression that comes from tattoos and tattoo design has lead this author to write extensively about tattoos. If you found this article interesting then you might also be interested in. Sara Blacksmith's top article generates over 4400 views. Bookmark Sara Blacksmith to your Favourites.
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