In today's highly competitive internet universe, the importance of attracting highly targeted traffic to your website cannot be overemphasized. Routing web traffic to your site can be your only means of survival, especially in the cutthroat world of ecommerce. Getting a high search engine ranking can be very difficult. Fortunately, there is plethora of website promotion strategies you can use to drive traffic to your website.
There is a wide variety traffic building techniques you can use. However, most of these techniques require payment. Nevertheless, there are ways to promote your website and increase your web traffic without spending anything. Writing articles is one of the best strategies you can use, and they are very effective if used proporly. How, you may ask, can writing articles help improve your web traffic? Here are the top ways in which it can help explode your business.
1.Reach more people
When you write good articles, it would be a shame not to share them with other people. You can post your articles in your website or you can submit them to other sites such as e-zines and online publishers. By submitting your articles to these sites, you give exposure not only to your ideas but also to your website. Simply include a link back to your site or include your information in the resource box area. With this, you get massive exposure and free advertising as well. Submit your articles to popular e-zines and take advantage of their popularity. Other sites who find your article relevant may also link back to you. Thus, you will increase your link popularity, which is one of the most important strategies in the internet world. Remember that most people are looking for information online and by filling this need with your quality article, you may reap the benefit of more exposure, higher web traffic and more sales.
2.Free Advertising
Submitting your articles to other websites presents an opportunity to advertise your website without paying huge fees. Although you should not make a sales pitch in your articles, make Them informative and useful to your readers, you can always include your site's link in the resource box. In addition, by making your article relevant and helpful to your readers, you are making a good impression for your website, which could ultimately lead to a visit and hopefully a purchase. Good quality content in an article is far better and more effective than a few lines of ad space. You have a very special opportunity to presell your product or service to your prospective customer.
3.Gain High Search Engine Ranking
Create a new web page for your article in your website. Optimize your article to make it search-engine friendly. Use top-ranked keywords and Meta tags that can give your website a high search engine ranking. As soon as you upload your new webpage to your server, search engines will spider through it and you can gain an increase in search engine ranking. Remember that search engine optimized content is a very effective strategy to gain a high ranking in search results.
4.Increases Link Popularity
Instead of looking for other sites who would want to establish reciprocal links with your site, you can simply submit an article to other sites. Just do not forget to include a link to your site in your resource box. When these websites pick up and publishes your article, you automatically get a link partner. Try to get as many link partners as you can. Link popularity is one of the factors used by search engines in determining search engine rankings. Make your article especially useful and appealing, so that more websites will be encouraged to publish it.
5.Optimizes your site for improved search engine ranking
By making your site keyword rich, you can greatly improve the search engine ranking of your site. Remember that keyword density is one of the most important factors that search engines use when determining the search engine ranking of site. However, you should always provide relevant, useful and pertinent information. Avoid the temptation of overusing keywords just to gain a high ranking as this may turn off most web surfers. Relevance and quality is still the most important things to consider when writing articles and it will be doubly useful to your site if you make these articles search-engine optimized.
6.Establishes a Good Impression and Reputation
By writing excellent, original and relevant articles, you not only give your site exposure, you are also creating a good impression on your prospects. Encourage more people to visit your site and do business with you by establishing an impressive reputation through your articles. Be seen as an expert in the field and your will ultimately gain more customers eager to do business with you.
7.Enhances your credibility through references and testimonies
Certainly, your articles are going to receive feedbacks and testimonies when you publish them in e-zines and free article sites. Record these positive feedbacks and comments and use them as promotional material in your website or in any of your advertising efforts. Your credibility will be greatly enhanced by these feedbacks, as it will create a good impression on your prospects as well as your existing customers. In this highly competitive world, excellent credibility and trust may be the only things you need to attract new customers or make loyal patrons out of your existing customers. Original, relevant, useful and pertinent articles are important tools you should utilize to improve and explode your business
Get Paid Writing Articles
Many internet marketers really focus on the importance of writing an article. They emphasize that writing and submitting articles to different sites really proves fruitful for your online success. Articles give you the wings to fly high and rose up to the highest level. They gave you a ray of light on the dark way to online business.
Human mind always search for relieving it's hunger mind. Yes mind that demands constant supply of knowledge boosters. So press the unlock button of your mind and start writing articles and submitting it too. Don't say that it's not your cup of coffee. Mull over these points and I'm sure you will make it your glass of champagne without waiting for a single second.
Benefits of writing articles:
1. Reciprocal Link:
Most of article directories possess a high page rank and this point can really raise your site's PR also. When you submit an article on these directories, you get a one way linking to your site.
As I have already told you that human mind constantly need boosters and your article can relieve a hunger mind. It might be the case that a single individual read your content, find it informative and add your article on his own site. So your article gets a great exposure and you get a great one way linking.
2. High Qualified Traffic:
Your article serves as a pre-selling tool for your real product. It is the hammer which works before a nail goes in the wall. We all possess distinct taste and we give our mind that only taste. What I meant to say that the person who will read your article must be interested in knowing more about it and your site paves a way to fulfill it's hunger-ness.
It means a constant highly qualified targeted traffic right to your door knocking to open it soon. This gives you an opportunity to show your product at their will.
3. Become an Expert:
Every individual wants to acknowledge himself as an expert in his field. We want to stand apart from the crowd and article can really serves this purpose.
If once you become an expert in your field no-one will ever think once while buying your product. They have a reason to buy without thinking as they have test your knowledge many a times. They are curious to see your offers at their email address. Your position as an expert makes them rely on you.
But prior starting writing articles check out these points that you should do and avoid while writing articles.
Do's of article writing:
1. Keep your article length adequate i.e. not too long and not too short. It should be between 500-800 words.
2. Don't try to cover every sphere of the topic about which you are writing. Be specific about subject and bound your mind to that subject only.
3. Submit your articles to right category and subcategory. Everything goes in a bin if you forget this point.
4. Attach a resource box to your article at the end with your site's listing in it. Don't try to put your site's address everywhere in the article.
5. Content must be informative and useful. Don't mould your article in a form of sales pitch.
6. People generally reads something if they find their problem's solution in it. So it's a good idea to start your article with their problems and ending with it's solution. Many people loves to read "How To" articles.
Don'ts of article writing:
1. Don't ever use Private Label Rights Articles to serve former purposes. Some articles directories ban the account submitting PLR articles and also many people have thousands of copies of it. So if a reader is not getting an original content then forget about changing him into your customers.
2. Just like an apple a day keeps the doctor away similarly a single article a day will keeps your traffic rolling. Don't write and submit 5-6 articles everyday. It will really end the curiosity of your reader and they will find it boring too.
In nutshell this is all about a golden key to your online success. You have to only find the right way to fit this key in a right lock which unlocks your way to online success.
Both Jason Oickle Oickle & Raamakant S. are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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