Working on improving your rank within the different search engines ? especially Google ? can feel like a very complicated puzzle sometimes. This maze can be extremely time consuming; especially when you just complete one effort and then find out that they've once again changed the rules on you ? rules that you weren't even sure of to begin with!
It is very well known that when you try to better the rank you've achieved with search engines, the best techniques that you can use are:
?Acquiring quality inbound links
?Acquiring any links to your site at all, including reciprocal links
?Continually adding new, relevant, and fresh information to your site
?Using a good density and placement of the right keywords
?Creating a website that is interesting and relevant enough that visitors who arrive spend time there.
However, what is not so well known is a major point that is missing from this list. Domain names are beginning to become extremely important with Google. It isn't the domain name itself ? that is, the words in the domain ? nor how long it is, but how long you've had it. Google is now valuing sites that have been registered for longer, and that prove their intention to stick around for a long time.
Google is starting to give lower priority to sites that have been registered for a year or less, since they may simply be spammers who are looking for a fast dollar and then disappear.
On the other hand, for sites registered for five years or more, Google considers them serious websites or businesses that intend to exist for a good long while.
Therefore, one of the strategies important to gaining a strong ranking is to pay a little bit more money for your domain name registration to register for a few extra years, so that Google can tell that you intend to stick around for a long time. This will give your site Google value and your ranking will go up.
The problem that many webmasters are finding with this is that they either don't have the budget for the additional years of registration, or they don't want to register a site for a long time when they haven't proven to themselves that the venture will be successful. They don't want to pay for an additional four or more years of registration for a project that may not get off the ground.
The decision that therefore needs to be made is how important Google ranking will be to your website. Will it be the primary part of your internet marketing effort? Will you be concentrating a good deal of your time gathering reciprocal and one-way links? Will you be working hard on search engine optimizing (SEO), possibly hiring a professional, so that your site contains the right keywords the right number of times and in the right places?
If you'll already be putting a lot of time, effort, and possibly money into your Google and search engine ranking, then you may find that registering your site's domain name is really a minor investment to get you started in the right direction.
It's all a matter of balance, and making sure that you do the search engine optimizing strategy completely, and not cheap out before you can even give yourself the chance to truly shine. In fact, simply shelling out a little bit more to reserve your domain name may be the easiest part of your search engine optimizing strategy. As long as you do your homework in advance and find an affordable, or even cheap domain name registry business, then you likely won't have to pay much more than fifty dollars to get going.
As you can see, if search engine optimizing is important to your website, it's vital that you don't miss the most commonly overlooked part of SEO and reserve your website for a good length of time, to prove to Google that you're serious about building a quality, successful web presence. You'll show that you indeed deserve to be among the top ranking websites out there. With that done, you'll be ready to move to the next step of your SEO and watch the traffic start rolling in.
Good And Bad Art
Many programs or sites will provide you with already written e-mail copy designed to help you spread the word effortlessly. All you need to do is copy/paste and send it out to your list, safelist, or various other e-mail advertisement methods. This can have both good and bad side effects, depending on how you handle the marketing resources they provide you.
Getting in the habit of using the pre-written messages provided by the site you are promoting can actually hurt your results. Many people will use those messages and left unchanged send them out to their marketing lists. Readers are then bombarded with the same content, leaving nothing to stand out. Using this method your message just appears with all the others the reader receives and is easily overlooked. We know that by standing out and being noticed is how you will experience results.
In addition, if you are in the habit of using only what is given you then you will gain no copywriting experience yourself and you will not be forced to seek out and learn this critical skill. If you do not know at least the basics of writing effective e-mails or ad copy, you should learn. Simply get to a search engine and search for copywriting tips and you will find many free articles and tips on the subject.
The ad copy provided to you may or may not be tested or written by an experienced copywriter. That's the good thing. If you suck at writing ad copy and the site is providing you some quality material to use then that obviously saves you a lot of trouble. You should find out because this will influence the way you use this copy. Nonetheless, whether it is written by a professional or not it is still written by someone who has great knowledge about the site or program and it can be useful to you when you craft your own message. Yes, that's right... you need to craft your own message through the use of the content provided from the site, even if their message is top of the line.
The basic idea is easy. Each goal in your message is simply to get them to move forward towards your overall goal of driving them to your website. It is then the sites job to convert the visitor into a member or customer. For example, the only purpose of your subject line is to get people to open the message... that's it! Keep that in mind when writing or thinking of a compelling subject line. If you get them to take a peek you have done your part. From there the reader will read the first sentence or paragraph. All that is meant to do is to keep them interested into reading further. Too much information can actually be a bad thing, just get them to complete your final goal... which is clicking on the URL to visit your website. The site you are promoting should already be optimized to create the best results from the visitors it receives, so the most you would have to do from there is a personal follow-up.
Here are some tips on how to write a great message using the copy already provided from your company. First of all, be personal. Write like you are actually talking to the person... you don't want to sound like an ad, do you? There is also a certain type of person you are targeting to join your site. Think of this person as you write, what would hit their "hot buttons"? In addition to these simply use some snippets or create bullet points from the main benefits you see in the ad copy. What stands out most to you? What makes you passionate about the site? You can usually find bullet points or tag lines on your marketing site as well, these are usually proven main benefits or effective lines that create desire or interest.
In closing, the most effective messages you ever send to your list will be those that are most personal. These are the ones that you share your personal experience or testimonial about the site, and you are able to connect the most with your reader. Try it and I assure you that you will be impressed with your results!
Both Mark Nenadic & Darren Olander are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Darren Olander has sinced written about articles on various topics from Online Business, Internet Marketing and Build Online Business. Darren Olander is dedicated to teaching others how to create a success online through internet network marketing strategies. He is a site owner, article writer, coach & marketing consultant enjoying the benefits of working full time from home. Learn more. Darren Olander's top article generates over 4400 views. Bookmark Darren Olander to your Favourites.
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