A pipe smoker is a twist on other smokers already being sold in the marketplace. A pipe type smoker has a long metal pipe coming up from the smoker unit. This is where the amount of smoke is contained allowing for whatever level of smoke in the cooking chamber. Because the smoke is also heated, one can adjust the temperature in the chamber by either opening the top of the pipe or closing it shut.
Pipe smokers are convenient and are used by many people who smoke meat. Pipe smokers come in many sizes. From small units used by couples without kids, to backyard units large enough to smoke larger amounts, there is a smoker built for just ones needs. There are even commercial size units that are towed by trucks.
People who search out smoker restaurants may have seen large trailers behind the buildings of the restaurant without even thinking about it. Smoker units can be located by searching the internet and by shopping in a store where they sell smokers. There are even specialty stores packed with almost any style desired.
Proper Cooking Tips For Pipe Smokers
Smoking meat is part skill, part experience, and part equipment. If someone is new to smoking meat, asking others about basic things one needs to learn will really help. Most individuals won't share secrets about their recipes, but they will share the basics of what to do. One can look on the internet for recipes and some of that great taste. The longer someone smokes meat, the easier information and secret recipes will be learned.
Something that should be mentioned about pipe smokers is that the pipe is almost as hot as the cooking chamber itself. When adjusting the amount of smoke coming from the pipe, have a leather glove handy so that one can safely adjust the pipe lid without getting burned.
If, while using the pipe smoker, bad weather should approach, the pipe smoker will be fine. The pipe is located at the rear of the smoker and is on the left or right. Rain coming in from the pipe will not drip into the cooking chamber because of its location, and water will not put out the fire for the same reason.