Mosquito control when backpacking isn't a minor issue. At one time mosquitoes were a nuisance more than anything. If you backpacked and camped in areas that had a lot of these pesky insects, you expected to be bothered. You expected to lose sleep even. But now mosquitoes in many areas of the United States also carry diseases that are potentially deadly. You need to be prepared.
Mosquito control, then, is important, and starts with a little planning before the trip. For example, bring a mosquito head net if you will be in an area with a lot of mosquitoes. The lightest ones are about one ounce - light enough even for those of us who like to go really light. What else can you do to avoid mosquitoes or prevent their bites? Here are a few tips.
1. Always carry insect repellent with DEET in it. Others may work okay, but so far DEET has the best record for repelling mosquitoes and preventing bites. It does cause damage to nylon and other synthetic materials, however, so be careful to apply it to your skin, without getting any on that rain jacket or those synthetic shirts or pants.
2. Wear neutral colors. Mosquitoes seem to be attracted to blue and to contrasts of light and dark clothing. Stick to tan, light brown and beige colors as much as possible.
3. Cover your skin. Tuck pants into your socks and wear long-sleeved shirts in areas that have a lot of mosquitoes. Generally, they'll have a hard time biting through nylon materials that are tightly woven. Avoid fishnet t-shirts and other easy-to-bite-through shirts.
4. Set up camp in breezy locations. Set up camp in areas that get a breeze and you'll have a lot fewer problems with mosquitoes. Face your tent into the wind and you'll avoid allowing insects inside when you climb in and out.
5. Timing matters. Mosquitoes are more active at dawn and dusk, so avoid them by setting up camp before dusk and leaving by dawn.
6. Keep clean. Personal hygiene is an important part of mosquito control. Mosquitoes and other insects are drawn to the ammonia in your sweat, and the odor of your feet. Wash yourself regularly (in lakes and streams if necessary) and you'll attract fewer bugs.
7. Use fire. A small fire that produces a fair amount of smoke will keep many insects away. Use a few live branches from spruce or fir trees to produce more strongly scented smoke.
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Controlling your emotion begins with a deliberate decision to keep composure and emotional retrain at all times. You should be very mindful of your feelings in every situation whether it is exuberant or sorrowful. You should avoid the belief that people are entitled to loose control in special occasions or that people have the right to let out their emotions in specific circumstances. You should stop adhering to the belief that "people are just humans" because what makes people humans is their ability to tame their desires and emotions.
You should understand that emotion is actually dependent on your behavior and not the other way around. To put it simply, you feel sad because you realize that you are frowning, contrary to the popular notion that you frown because you realize that you are sad. In social psychology, it has been discovered behavior influences emotions, and not the other way around. With this key information at hand, you are empowered with the ability to influence feelings by modifying behavior.
A common cause of emotional outbursts is having problems. Oftentimes, when people are faced with difficulties, they react by panicking or by being angry. However, these are not solutions to the initial problem; they are sources of problems themselves. When you are in a state of panic or in a rage of anger, your mind is clouded with emotions that the situation is not seen clearly. This does make it harder to think of concrete solutions to the problem being dealt with. Whenever a problem comes, instead of immediately throwing tantrums or pacing restlessly, you should stop, breath, and evaluate the entirety of the circumstance. This way, the problem can be viewed in a clearer perspective, and solutions may be thought out more logically.
One very valuable tool in emotional control is the ability to pause. While there are no pause and play buttons in real life, people have the capability to stop themselves, and take a break in certain situations that usually cause emotional outbursts. Before shouting and screaming out of a disappointing occurrence, you should first take a break to think and reflect. Pausing in itself is a form of emotional control. At this point, you can think if letting go of the emotions is indeed necessary. You should also think of the consequences that the emotional explosion would entail. If the emotions involved in the situation are too strong to withhold, you can think of reasonable emotional expressions such as crying instead of screaming when you are depressed, or smiling instead of jumping around when you are elated.
The problem with most people who are unable to control their emotions is that they dwell too much on the present situation. It is undeniable that the height of emotions experienced in certain circumstances could be overwhelming. However, these are also the times when you are vulnerable to do things that you might regret later on. To avoid this, it is important to examine how things would go in the future.
Emotional control is indeed difficult to master. But with will power and determination, it can be possibly achieved. You just have to be aware that emotions do not really have the power to overcome people. On the contrary, people have the ability to watch over their emotions and control them to what they think is necessary.
Both Steve Gillman & Abbas Abedi are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Steve Gillman has sinced written about articles on various topics from Camping, Hypnotherapy and Entertainment Guide. Copyright Steve Gillman. To get the ebook "Ultralight Backpacking Secrets (And Wilderness Survival Tips)" for FREE, as well as photos, gear recommendations, and a. Steve Gillman's top article generates over 135000 views. Bookmark Steve Gillman to your Favourites.
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