Compared to candles made from paraffin or beeswax, soy pillar candles have many more advantages. All of their features are carefully described online, one of their most imposing characteristics being given by the superior fragrance. The Internet has become a place where scented candles can be easily purchased from, the prices being reduced for the benefit of Internet users and prospective customers. High quality standards and affordable prices make these products even more popular than they used to be.
There are many types of candles out there and just as many producers, the competition being quite stringent in the candle industry. Soy pillar candles are different from other candle products presented online, being made from natural soy wax and undergoing various tests before they are released. Manufacturers have also come with other kinds of scented candles, including jar candles and non-burning alternatives, such as melts, tarts or votives. Customers feel satisfied with the choice they have, particularly as new scents are constantly introduced and they have from where to choose.
Scented candles can be found in all of our homes, representing a beautiful and comfortable way to add a delicate fragrance for various rooms. The perfume eliminated by such a candle is the result of many years of hard-work, experience and regular testing, often being interpreted as elegant and refined. The fragrance dispersion for these soy pillar candles has been perceived as high and the burning period just perfect. Without doubt, soy candles are superior products in quality and functionality as well.
Manufacturers take pride in their products being hand-made and hand-poured. They sustain that this is the main reason why their scented candles have a certain air of freshness. Soy pillar candles are made from natural ingredients, mainly hydrogenated soybean oil and they are definitely a more affordable alternative to other types of candles. Apart from being cheap, they provide a fragrance that is radically distinctive and which lasts for impressive periods of time. Scented soy candles can also be purchased as tea lights and votives, depending of course on each person’s preferences.
If you were to search online for candles, you would be given three main options: beeswax, paraffin and finally soy candles. The question is: why choose soy pillar candles? The answer is simple and quite obvious. They have a much more affordable price, topped off by their high quality. Soy candles are 100% natural, being thus environmentally-friendly and excluding substances like petroleum or lead as basic ingredients. They do not cause any damage to the ecosystem and they also offer added protection for those with allergy history or respiratory afflictions.
For all those out there that prefer scented candles made from soy wax, it’s impossible not to have noticed that they have a longer burning period than other candles. Other from that, it’s a know fact that soy candles burn in equal amounts and that the wax can be easily removed with some hot water. All these tips might not seem important at first but you will definitely understand the need for them once you purchase any of the soy pillar candles presented online.
Studies have shown that paraffin candles are responsible for producing a black colloidal substance known as soot when burned. This substance is highly dangerous for the human body, including agents that can cause cancer and affect various organs, including those that are vital such as the heart or lungs. Unlike paraffin candles, soy pillar candles have a reduced percent of producing soot and they are generally acknowledged to distribute their scent around, without any harmful substances. You decide which type of soy scented you like best but be prepared to encounter genuinely diverse fragrances online.
Highly Scented Soy Candles
Forget about the air fresheners that come in aerosol cans. As far as that goes, forget about the fresheners that plug into an outlet and the ones that stick under your cupboard or drawer. The fresheners that sit on the table or counter and occasionally spew out a puff of deodorized air…forget about those too.
Not that the mentioned products are bad or inefficient. Maybe it is because they are not very eco friendly.
Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a better way to make your dwelling smell heavenly and fresh, without jeopardizing the ozone layer. So let us discuss soy candles.
Not just any soy candles, but the soy candles made with the natural soy wax, the lead free cotton wicks and essential oils.
Natural soy wax burns clean and melts at a lower temperature, unlike a paraffin wax. It is no danger to the environment because it is natural. Using this product shows support for the farmer, as the soybean plant is harvested and used in many ways. A versatile crop in its own right, the soybean farmer will benefit every growing season.
If you have ever burned a candle and noticed a black smoke or emission coming out of the flame, it can most likely be blamed on the lead that is concentrated in the wick. In this case, you were not burning a candle with a natural cotton wick. Using other than a soy candle with a natural cotton wick harms the environment in your home. If these leaded wicks are burned often in your home, it can show up in fabrics, such as linens and draperies.
To give your home the benefit of great aromas, consider the scented soy candle. A soy candle that includes essential oils that are incorporated when the candle is being made will make it scented. Essential oils come from certain aromatic plants and as the wax melts, the molecules of the plant extract are what you smell as the candle is being burned. Most all of these aromatic essential oils create a heavenly fragrance and are used often in Aromatherapy.
Not enough can be said about protecting our natural environment, the ozone layer or the air in our homes. Any product used these days should be scrutinized or replaced, if at all possible, when it is not ecologically friendly. It is for the greater good of our health and our planet to use products that will not harm us.
The scented soy candle with the lead free cotton wick is a healthy, eco friendly product. If you burn candles in your home, consider them, give them a try and rid yourself of those aerosol cans.
Both Clint Jhonson & Tom Watson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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