When you see the backing dancers on TV you need to be able to dance as good as them. Different jobs ask for different skills but if you are as good as these dancers currently doing backing dancing for the stars you can bet that you have a chance of making it.
Don't just take your own opinion though. Record yourself with a video camera and watch it back so you can see how good you really are as the camera never lies. Film yourself in dance classes and see how you fare compared to the best dancers in the class. These are likely the standard of dancers you'll be auditioning with for those very parts as backing dancers.
There are 2 very simple ways of getting the job as a backing dancer. The easiest way is when your contacts manage to somehow get you the job. This only tends to happen when you've worked as a backing dancer before, are proven and you have friends who have this power such as choreographers.
The other more frequent option is when you attend dance auditions and dance castings and get the part. Occasionally parts as backing dancers will be up for grabs at open auditions which can be found in places such as audition boards at dance studios. Most of the time though you'll have to be put forward for the audition or dance casting by your dance agent or agency.
So naturally to be able to get onto a prestigious dance agency that can get you parts such as this you need to be an excellent dancer. It comes back down to your dancing again. Then when you get onto a dance agency it will be your dancing once more which will frequently land you success at auditions for backing dancers.
Sometimes image will be the most important factor when choosing backing dancers. All you can do is try and give them what they want so if the audition states that they are looking for punk-looking dancers, you may need to make a few adjustments to your image unless you're a punk of course!
Don't be afraid to change your image, be flexible and by all necessary means put in the practise needed to get to the required standard and then start hitting those auditions!
Ryan Heddik has sinced written about articles on various topics from Keyboard Synthesizer, Teachers and Dancing. Ryan Heddik has enjoyed a successful dance career dancing on TV numerous times and and offers free dancing tips at http://www.boxdancer.com. The site reveals what it. Ryan Heddik's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark Ryan Heddik to your Favourites.
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