Most people have embraced digital photography with enthusiasm. The lower cost of printing and storage is a big factor in the popularity of digital photography, especially for amateurs. With digital photography you don't have to pay for the printing of a snapshot that has turned out awful. You can view the shot as soon as you've taken it and if it's not up to scratch, delete it from the memory card with a simple click. If you want to wait and look at it on your computer or on the printout machine in the store, you can do that too.
The low cost of taking a photo means that you can practice more and hone your skills without spending lots of money. The LCD window is there for checking the quality. You can take lots of photos before your memory card is full too. No counting to thirty or so photos and then having to change the film. What if you forgot to buy an extra one? You can easily miss that great snapshot just because your camera ran out of film. With a traditional film camera, you have to take the shot without knowing just how it will turn out. You send the film away to be developed and have to wait a week to get it back, depending on where you live. You have to pay for the whole film, no matter whether you've cut Uncle Joe's head off, or one of the kids decided to poke out their tongue just as you clicked.
The storage capacity of your computer is almost unlimited. You don't have to have a cupboard full of photo albums (or cardboard boxes full of old photos) that you never get around to updating. It can all go on the computer, and then be copied to a CD-R to back it up or take it with you. With a digital photo, you can crop out that stranger's head or the rusty drum you didn't notice. You can change the color from cold to warm and do all sorts of other fancy stuff to improve that snapshot you want to keep but is not perfect.
Another great thing about digital photography is the position. You can hold the camera at almost any angle to take a shot. With a traditional camera, you might have to lie on the ground to get the right focus for some difficult shots. And what happens if you've bought film suited for bright sun and it rains nearly all the time on your holiday? Wasted film equals wasted money. You can get distant shots and close up shots, shots on dull days or bright sunny days without changing the film or the setting if you use the auto feature.
Of course, this doesn't mean that there is now no use for the traditional film. Many professional photographers need to keep using their expensive film cameras for the types of shots they need to take. But technology will soon catch up to them, too. Digital cameras don't last as long as traditional ones do, but they are a lot of fun for the amateur.
How To Improve Technology
Praying is sometimes associated in people's minds with "thee "'s
and "thine"'s. Probably that is because many people immediately
think of church and church services when they think of prayer.
Certainly, in some liturgical churches there are prayers with this
kind of language in them. Yet these kinds of words are neither
necessary nor, in many respects, even desirable, especially in
our own private prayer
For most people, talking to others is not a problem. But praying
is essentially no more than talking. Yet, because it is talking
to God, many people either get up tight about it or think they
cannot do it properly. But there is really no proper way to pray.
God wants us to approach him just as we are and where we are,
as the unique individual he created us to be.
So praying is, in essence, no different to turning to a friend
and communicating with him or her. In other words, praying is
just simply talking to God as we are, as we are feeling at the
moment, with all the problems we may have at that time -- or,
indeed, all the joy and gaiety we have in our heart at that moment.
When we talk to God we need to approach him with sincerity. He
does not want falseness of any kind. He does not want us to
"put on a face", pretend to be someone we are not, feign a
disposition which does not come naturally to us at that time.
God does not want dishonesty from us. He does not want us
pretending to be something we are not, with thoughts and feeling
we do not really have.
Clearly, then , God wants us be ourselves, whatever that may mean
at the time. He wants us to be open about where we are in our lives.
He wants us to talk to him just as we would to our best friend, Or
as we would to someone we have turned to for help, or even to
someone with whom we want to share our elation at that time.
God not only understands us (even better than we understand
ourselves), he knows exactly where we are and what we are feeling
at every given moment. So it really is pointless to be anything
but completely honest and straightforward with him. To do
Both Saleem Rana & Akw are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Saleem Rana has sinced written about articles on various topics from Parenting, Travel and Leisure and Careers and Job Hunting. Saleem Rana would love to share his inspiring ideas. You can get more information on how to photography here and take excellent pictures here:http://www. Saleem Rana's top article generates over 1220000 views. Bookmark Saleem Rana to your Favourites.
Akw has sinced written about articles on various topics from Religion, Photography and Religion. AUTHOR: Anthony Keith WhiteheadWEB SITE: article is copyright but may be reproduced providing that all this information is included. Akw's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Akw to your Favourites.
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