If you are just now finding out about Facebook, the you have missed out on a lot of great opportunities. Facebook has a great potential for networking with many opportunities for success if you know just exactly where to look. But there are a few things to keep in mind before jumping on the bandwagon and creating a profile with Facebook.
When you decide to join Facebook, you then have the opportunity to make your own profile that will be seen by others. Try to make this as professional as possible if you want others to take it seriously. If you are trying to be professional with someone and then they look at your profile and see what you did last weekend, it may be a huge contradiction for them and will easily lose confidence. If you want to still have fun with your friends, set up a separate Facebook account that only your friends will be able to view. But try to keep your personal life separate from your professional life when it comes to Facebook.
While creating your profile, don't be afraid to tell people all about what you do and what you are about. You have the option of showing as little or as much that you would like. There is a section of your profile dedicated for you to tell about yourself, so do it! You can also list other websites that you want them to see or invite others to be your friend. Just don't be afraid to show off your best side and let people know what you are all about.
Another thing to consider is spam. Facebook has a strict no-spam policy and will not hesitate to kick you off of you are using the site to send spam. This is one of the reasons why Facebook has such a large amount of users. Don't just join with the intention of sending messages to every member telling them about your business. Besides annoying all the members, your message may not get very far before you get blocked from using Facebook again.
Instead of trying to spam members, create groups that will spark peoples interest and that have to do with your business at the same time. Inviting others to join your group is a better way than spam and will get others looking at your profile too. Post your website on the group page and any other important details. You can find similar groups to yours and post an invitation to join your group. You may have to join several different groups in order to start getting the hang of things, but it will be worth it in the end if you can get your group to have a lot of members.
Try and keep things interesting in the group so that others will want to join and stay. Keep a conversation going on the wall and constantly invite others to join. Pay attention to details and don't let a day pass without looking at what has been going on with your Facebook profile and group. And don't let great networking opportunities pass you by but take advantage of them when they come.
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