Once you understand how to remove Trojans, the process can be duplicated on a daily or weekly basis to keep your computer clean. The average anti virus programs will not remove Trojans easily, so if you have tried that route you may want to read the steps below for additional guidance. When Trojans install themselves on your system, you will need the help of a quality anti spyware software to complete the job.
A couple popular ways that Trojans attach to your computer will be through spyware and adware. This is why standard virus removers will not usually detect or remove such problems.
The list below will describe some of the common symptoms associated with Trojan viruses:
1. Files open randomly
2. You are experiencing slow computer problems
3. Your internet redirects you to sites that were not requested
4. The default home page on your PC is replaced with a tasteless site
5. Automatically loaded tool bars and pop ups appear
6. Your mouse has a trail as you drag it
7. Window start up button and others disappear
8. The PC shuts down without your command, or boots at will
9. Alt + Control + Delete is non operational
10. Your internet is moving like a turtle
It is a good practice to avoid doing your own Trojan removals without software help, no matter how detailed the instructions are that you are following. If you are not well-versed with executable files, save yourself the future pain of a crashed system and follow the steps below.
How to Remove Trojans in Three Steps:
Step One: Write a List of All Symptoms that You Have Noticed
Create a baseline measure of what issues you are experiencing. That way you will know whether or not the steps to follow work the way you hoped. You can compare the results after repair compared to the initial symptoms you have. Keep in mind that no one product is a miracle cure, but many problems will be cleared up from the first time a repair is conducted.
Think of when the symptoms most commonly occur (like start up versus when on the internet) and just write down any strange behaviors that your computer has shown you. You can start with the symptom list above, but do not be limited just to that list.
Step Two: Conduct a Free Scan with a Product Designed to Remove Trojans
The good news is that there are a handful of great products to help you with this step. You do not need to know how to remove Trojans if you have the right software. There are many similarities between top products. The best software programs tend to be effective across a variety of categories.
Look to scan with a software product that is easy to understand, one with extensive help files, ones with a large definitions (solutions) database, and seek ones with a variety of good reviews and not much negative on the search result pages that come up on the net.
If you understand how to remove Trojans, you will also be able to remove other forms of spyware, adware, and malware at the same time. The scan will show results well beyond just Trojans.
Step Three: If Severe Infections are Detected Purchase the Full Version Software
Once you get your results back, see if severe level threats were detected. If so, you should immediately take care of the problems by purchasing the repair utility in the same software that you just completed the scan with. The repair takes seconds compared to the download and scanning process.
I have a year round maintenance plan for my computers that include a solid spyware software, Windows registry cleaner, and a general anti virus program. You can eliminate most of the problems that arise by purchasing these three power tools. I usually scan weekly with each of the three products to keep up with threats on my system. I do not use real-time protection based products due to the system resources that are tied up.
For removal of spyware, adware, malware, and computer Trojans, find a product with extensive definitions database files (as previously mentioned).
Be sure to restart your computer after the repair to make sure that the changes go into effect. Go back to your initial list and see how many of the problems were completely eliminated. Now that you know how to remove Trojans, you can scan and repair additional times to see if additional problems are removed. It might also be a good investment to look into the other tools mentioned above (registry repair and general anti virus).
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