Book writing strategy #1. Hire a ghostwriter! Seriously, ghostwriters can save a tremendous amount of time and energy. They can take the process from outline to typesetting or simply create a first draft for you and you do the rest. A ghostwriter can be hired to handle any or all aspects of writing a book. In fact, you can hire a person to do all your research if you are determined to write the book but do not have the time to research. A note about research, write your book first marking where you would like to place a fact or need to do more research. It is much easier, and faster, to search for specific information than to simply do research for research's sake. Plus, if you are hiring someone to find the information you need, it will cost you less because it will take them less time to get the job done.
Book writing strategy #2. Outline the book. Outlines are not your junior high school English teacher's way of forcing structure into your creative mind, they are a way for you to optimize your time. Outlines make it easy to focus on the task at hand. Imagine sitting down to your computer and writing. If you do not have an outline, where do you begin? What do you write about? If you have an outline, you know exactly what you're going to write about. And if you use our BRWT force technology the words will flow effortlessly onto the page.
Book writing strategy #3. Schedule time into your day for writing. It does not have to be an all day process. You do not even have to make room for more than 30 minutes each day. Do you have thirty minutes? No? Twenty? Set aside time each day and your book will get done in no time. Using our BRWT Force Technology every five minutes you spend writing will result in a page written. Do the math...a 200 page book will be written in 1000 minutes. 1000 minutes is 16.66 hours. If you write for 30 minutes a day your book will be done in 33 days. 33 DAYS! Find your 30 minutes and get your book written!
Book writing strategy #4. Don't be a perfectionist. Perfection is procrastination. You do not want to put off writing your book, you want it published now!
Perfectiondoes not exist. Write your book without editing. Let all of those typos, spelling, and grammar mistakes mar the page. Do not go back and fix them, do not pause to spell check. Write and write fast. When your book is done, then you go back and edit. It's a much faster and more efficient process.
Writing a book does not have to be overwhelming. All it takes is a strategy and a commitment to getting your book on the shelves and into the hands of thousands of readers all around the world. Get writing!
How To Write A Book Bibliography
Writing a book is a joyous time filled with satisfaction and of course a lot of hard work. As an author, there are many traps you can fall into that will not only affect your profits, they will affect your productivity - you want to get your book completed as soon as possible right? Since finishing your book, and making as much money as possible from sales are two common goals, let us take a look at four traps you must avoid - and how to avoid them.
Perfectionist trap.
This trap catches every new author, and many who have been writing for a long time. Let me just get this out of the way - perfection does not exist. There, I said it. Now you can let it go. Perfectionism slows you down. It causes you to spend an hour mulling over a paragraph. It makes you edit as you write - a major mistake because it blocks the flow of words onto paper and it drastically slows down your productivity.
So how do you escape this trap? Set writing goals every day and meet them. Look at your schedule. How much time can you commit every day to writing? 10 minutes? 20 minutes? More? Grab a pen and paper, or your computer. Grab the next area of your book you are comfortable and ready to write. Set the timer and write. Just write. Everything that enters your head lands on the page. Do not stop. Do not edit yourself. Do not delete anything - just write. When the timer beeps and your time is up, finish your thought and put your writing away. Editing is what you do when you are done getting you book on paper.
Procrastinator's trap.
Oddly enough the more you want to write a book, the harder it can be to actually do it. I think the biggest reason for this is fear. Fear of failure and even fear of success, can keep us from getting our book done. The good news is that the solution is simple. You know how you clean the kitchen every day because it needs to be done, you feed the dog, you do your laundry etc...
All of these things you do not because you enjoy them but because they need to be done. I am assuming you enjoy writing much more than you enjoy cleaning your kitchen, right? Set aside time to write every day. In fact, forget the kitchen - your writing is much more important.
Publication Trap
. Your book is done so now what? This trap catches and holds too many writers in its grasp. Traditional publication has a long history and the gatekeepers - those wonderful people that take 6 months to tell you 'no' they are not interested in publishing your book - are standing arm in arm across the threshold of publication. Do you continue running into that brick wall or do you find another way? A better way?
I would like to tell you that many amazing writers, well known writers, have chosen a different method of publication. John Grisham, Deepak Chopra, Mark Twain, James Joyce, Virginia Wolff, e.e. Cummings, William Blake, Edgar Allen Poe, and Henry David Thoreau just to name a few.
Passive marketing trap
. Do not fall into this trap! You wrote the book, published the book and now you are going to let it collect dust on the shelves? No matter how you publish your book, you must market your book. Marketing begins with a website but it does not end there. If you want to sell books, you have to tell people about it. Press releases, book signings, interviews and yes a marketing strategy to get your book on Amazon's bestsellers list. It can be done but only if you are proactive.
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