When there is a huge amount of homes on the market and not nearly enough buyers looking, you may think that it is not the time to purchase an investment property. But that is just the opposite of true. Now is the time to make the jump into investing in the real estate market because now is the time to be getting a bargain on a property. There are prices dropping on properties everywhere, and with so many lenders in the market these days, there is always an incentive to use when purchasing a new property. Most offer competitive interest rates and many offer great financing programs that will entice you into using their lending institution. Use these offers to your advantage by accepting the best one for you. Likely, you will be able to take your pick between several.
There are sellers all over the country, but especially in the Florida area, that have taken some highly creative steps to ensure that their home is the one that a buyer picks. They have realized that it is a very competitive market and they have to do something to win your choice for their home. Not only are they offering the typical incentives of paying closing costs and new d'cor allowances, some are offering tax and insurance payments for a year, one year maintenance plans, even big screen televisions, boats, and cars on some of the higher end properties. Some of the sellers have even agreed to a lease to purchase plan instead of outright selling the property, just so they can get new owners into their property.
Although it seems that interest rates have been on the rise lately, they are still below their standing just five years ago and these great deals on interest rates make it an even better time to make the decision to invest in property. Some lending institutions are willing to offer even greater deals on the interest rates to gain customers. They may offer below market financing, and if you happen to be a first time home buyer, a great deal is even more likely to be awaiting you. Make sure you ask for any first time homebuyer deals that may be available.
One way to make money in real estate is to purchase land or properties that are located just on the outskirts of somewhere that is vastly growing. The more an area grows, the closer it will get to you and the more in demand your property will be for businesses or homes. If you have a savvy business sense, you may be able to pick up on an area that will be a huge business area in the next five years but is still fertile farmland now. This will allow you to purchase at a cheap price and sell at a very high price. Many people have made their fortunes in ways very similar.
Getting into real estate is not always the cheapest way to make money, but it is a fairly sure bet on getting a positive return on your investment. If you are able to invest in real estate now, you should do so as soon as possible. Make sure that you check out the properties well before you purchase so that you know you can make money on the property and not lose a great deal when you have to do too many repairs.
It's About To Get Real
I remember the first time I met Dean; he had just given a powerful sermon that had hit me between the eyes as if he was talking directly to me. I had just returned to church after a period of indecision having gone through an unfortunate divorce 12 years earlier and raising the children alone from the ages of 10 and 12. I had never lost my faith in God, but I had lost my connection to the faith community. I was raised by a Lutheran father who told us as kids that religion was a private issue (either because he did not know how to defend it or it was a justification for spending every Sunday morning playing golf) Either way, I never felt a sense of responsibility to attend church. That does not mean I didn't pray and have my conversations with God - That never changed. But when it came to having a connection with the community that was something I never felt a sense of comfort.
Dean was not one of those television evangelist types at all. He was just always very prepared with a smooth delivery that gave you a sense that this was a man truly in tune with our Maker. He was a master of the stage as he challenged each of us to think about our faith and to be more diligent in our relationship with Christ. He reeked of confidence in a way that did not offend you but made you respect him for where he was in his walk with the Lord. For the first time in my life, I not only felt an obligation to attend every Sunday but I looked forward to it. But then something changed.
Aside from my father's view of attending church, when I did venture out and attend various services with friends and their families from time to time, it seemed that there was always that person or two that seemed to make it their mission to smother you with religion. I always felt a sense of guilt as these people, rather than trying to get to know you, would immediately either try to convert you or in some way make you feel bad about your self as if the only reason you were coming to church that Sunday was because you were in need of forgiveness.
Dean did not do that. In fact, there was warmth to the congregation and confidence that was above smothering as opposed to creating a comfortable environment that naturally made you feel welcome and not necessarily new - Almost as if returning home after a long trip.
But over time, there was a certain message that was being directed to the congregation that did not make sense. There was this challenge at the end of each sermon to get right with God and clean up your house. Each week it got more and more intense to the point to where the whole congregation was feeling guilt. I remember a well used statement from my father growing up as a child: "He who speaks loudest most likely carries the most guilt." Dad knew that when he broke up a disagreement between my brother and my self that it was the one that started defending himself the loudest that usually was at fault. That has always stuck with me and so with this challenge from Dean which got more and more pronounced and intense, it raised the question, "who is Dean actually talking to?"
Years ago I attended a weekend seminar in Phoenix called the Landmark Forum. It was actually one of the most interesting experiences I had ever gone through. My reason for attending was that I had never dealt with my divorce having turned my attention to raising the children. This was a forum to get in touch with one's issues and try to deal with them straight up. There were people with drug issues, abuse issues, abanDeanment issues and so on. And people from all walks of life. And in that three day session, you saw unbelievable transformations where people went from cavalier to a total break down to finally a rebuilding of persons to a calm confidence. One of the most striking transformations came from a local business owner that was in the trucking industry. He and his wife stood up in front of everyone in the beginning with almost a smugness in their attitude because of their success. Their clothing and jewelry alone spoke of their wealth and if that did not tell the story they sure did. Most people in the room were wondering why this couple was even there. They seemed so confident and had just about every material thing one could ask for. "Where was the fit?"
But as the weekend unfolded, we all began to see the layers being peeled off of the "trucking couple" and before we knew it there they were in tears sobbing as two abused children beaten relentlessly throughout their childhood. Their success was fueled by revenge, distrust, anger and hatred. And for the first time in their lives, they were letting the world in to see their pain and it was liberating for them and every other person sitting in that room.
As Dean continued to drive his new point across to the congregation many more within the pews were beginning to ask the same question. After a while, it almost became offensive because it started to bring back that "guilt" feeling from trying to attend different churches as a child and over time I, for one, started missing Sunday services. Finally I didn't attend at all, not because I didn't want to but because I didn't like the feeling of guilt. I had even expressed my feelings directly to Dean and others but to no avail.
Several months later, it was announced that Dean had resigned as Pastor. This master of the stage who was so prepared and so eloquently delivered his message...this man with such a command of the congregation that seemed so in tune with our Maker...was having an affair with another member of the church. His calling for "getting right" was a message that was directed to him that seemed to just pass through his lips. (pause) Or did it?
This past weekend, Dean attempted suicide. I am not inside of this broken man and so I Dean't know what he is truly thinking. But I still remember the man I first met that was "talking directly to me" that seemed to be in such command of the Word and now this. If only we could peel off the layers and get to the real man.
Both Nancy Arlington & are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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