So how does one reach his way towards the top and become successful?
Everybody wants to go after success but the funny thing is that if you ask the following question to many people, if you ask them "What is success to you?" They will stare you blankly in the face and they say, "I don't know".
I don't know about you but there are many people, they want success but they don't quite strive for it.
If I were to ask you this question, what do you really love to do? What are you interested in? And if you say computer games, that's fine.
If you say, playing golf, that's fine.
Here's my take on the above answers, if you could do that for the rest of your life, would you be motivated?
The answer would be a definite yes. And I am sure that you would give it your hundred percent and thus be successful in what you do.
As far as doing the things that you love, there are some people who say, "Hey, I want to do something that I love but it's not going to get me that kind of income.
Let's say someone loves drawing cartoons. They will have this big question in their head, "Is drawing cartoons really going to lead me to success?
Here' my answer this, "Anything that you love to do can lead you to a lot of wealth and success provided you know the way to market It"
For example, if you love lizards, if you got a fetish and passion for lizards, can you become a millionaire? Of course you can.
You know why? In the entire world of, 3 to 4 billion people, there are people who love lizards and would like to know more about lizards. Knowledge like how to feed lizards, and how to take care of them.
Here's another example, if you love Star Wars, do you think there are millions of people out there who would love Star Wars?. If you can come out with a realistic looking light-saber, or you can compile the best quotes said by Yoda, there could be a market for that.
So, you must have the marketing savvy to bring your knowledge and then your love, to that market.
The trouble with most people is that they though they have a talent for something, they do not know how to market. So I'll say that the key to be able to succeed in anything, is that you must learn how to market, you must learn how to sell and also how to manage your finances.
And when your passion of whatever you do then comes in naturally, that will make you very successful in whatever you do.
Love Will Lead You Back
For others, marriage is not a path they want to take. Regardless, there is no one answer to this question about love because everyone is bound to have a different love experience. There are factors that influence love, however, and there are visions of love that are healthy and those that are not.
The secret to a happy marriage is, of course, love. When people talk about having the ultimate happy marriage, they are talking about being around the one they love as much as possible. For many people, marriage in those terms is the absolute apex of a love life. For others, however, a happy marriage may be no marriage at all.
Some may find that spending their lives with one person is not satisfying in the least. They may wish for many more partners and many more experiences in order for their happiness to be realized. The question many people wonder about such lifestyles is about the role that love plays in their relationships.
There are many reasons besides love that people in today's world marry and there are many reasons that those marriages end. The basic component in all of those types of relationships is selfishness and the desire to meet personal needs first and those of a partner second. It is for this reason that broken relationships appear to be on the rise.
People are desiring more for themselves and less for others, leading to the inevitable deconstruction of relationship fundamentals such as trust and confidence.. With divorce and broken homes on the rise, an examination of what leads people to marry is probably in order.
The truth about love, is that there is no truth about love. There are only subjective ideas as to what marriage should be based on. In today's cynical world, the foundation for many a relationship is bent on reliance on the other person and not on selfless love. The notions of marriage and family therapy are on the rise because people, on the whole, seem to have forgotten about love.
The relationship goals and desires of today's modern person seem to rely more on the workings of social aspects external to the relationship and less on happiness within. People are concerned about what they look like, if their eyelashes are "plump" enough and if the person they are with is suitable in terms of looks. The world needs love, in large doses to overcome it's increasing cynicism.
Both Adam Khoo & Mike Selvon are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Adam Khoo has sinced written about articles on various topics from Recreation and Sports, Web Development and Computers and The Internet. Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his million dollar secrets and claim your FREE bonus CD '6 Ways To Achieve Anything In Life' at. Adam Khoo's top article generates over 90500 views. Bookmark Adam Khoo to your Favourites.
Mike Selvon has sinced written about articles on various topics from Camping, Allergies and Personal Desktop. Mike Selvon owns a number of niche portal. Please visit our marriage portal for more great tips on. Mike Selvon's top article generates over 450000 views. Bookmark Mike Selvon to your Favourites.
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