As you tried to make your way through trade school there is one thing that you should really remember in this is that flooring is not for fool if you are a fool you should get out of the flooring business right away because you have no place there. Fools ruin the flooring business and too many fools try to do flooring has a life choice when they feel they have nothing left.
The fact of the matter is that so many of the best flooring individuals in the world are actually very excellent people and they deserve your respect and attention. Don't be a deadbeat drop out and tried to make your way into the world of the flooring business because you will just be a workaday lackey for the rest of your life and nobody wants to work with you anyway.
Finest Work Song
As people make their way into the world of the flooring industry they need to remember that there are a couple of things which hold true. A number of the classic disco tunes from the 70s and 80s are still the finest works songs for people who are flooring professionals and when you have finished a flooring job you can always put you down to the is classic tunes as you do a little dance and make a little love.
However just because the 70s and 80s were a classic Bowie Times doesn't mean that you can bring your sexy back, get your jig on, or any of the other classic tunes from today's dance hits. The fact is the finest work song for people who are in the flooring industry is whatever type of music you want to listen to whether that be classical music or show tunes from the latest Broadway musical. Whatever type of music it is you like to listen to should be classified under the finest work song category.
Hey Good-Looking
Also a big trade school myth is that only ugly men are flooring consultants. Actually the opposite is true. In Beverly Hills you'll find some of the most talented and beautiful out of work film actors as flooring consultants. Similarly in Detroit you will find some of the most handsome young out of work rap stars as flooring installation people. There has been no real correlation between this and whatever else it is the goes on a trade school but you should try to honor this tradition by all the going into flooring in your trade school if you are a good-looking individual. This doesn't mean you can't have a little bit of extra talker on the tummy but just make sure you get rid of that before you go into practice because you may end up in the home of some beautiful socialite who really wants to get married after her hundred and two-year-old sugar daddy dies. And you could be that lucky man.
Make It Work Song
“Main Entry: work
Pronunciation: 'w&rk
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English werk, work, from Old English werc, weorc; akin to Old High German werc work, Greek ergon, Avestan var&zem activity
1 : activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something: a : sustained physical or mental effort to overcome obstacles and achieve an objective or result b : the labor, task, or duty that is one's accustomed means of livelihood c : a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity
2 a : energy expended by natural phenomena b : the result of such energy c : the transference of energy that is produced by the motion of the point of application of a force and is measured by multiplying the force and the displacement of its point of application in the line of action
3 a : something that results from a particular manner or method of working, operating, or devising b : something that results from the use or fashioning of a particular material
4 a : a fortified structure (as a fort, earthen barricade, or trench) b plural : structures in engineering (as docks, bridges, or embankments) or mining (as shafts or tunnels)
5 plural but singular or plural in construction : a place where industrial labor is carried on : PLANT, FACTORY
6 plural : the working or moving parts of a mechanism
7 a : something produced or accomplished by effort, exertion, or exercise of skill b : something produced by the exercise of creative talent or expenditure of creative effort : artistic production
8 plural : performance of moral or religious acts
9 a : effective operation : EFFECT, RESULT b : manner of working : WORKMANSHIP, EXECUTION
10 : the material or piece of material that is operated upon at any stage in the process of manufacture
11 plural a : everything possessed, available, or belonging b : subjection to drastic treatment : all possible abuse -- usually used with get or give
- at work
1 : engaged in working : BUSY; especially : engaged in one's regular occupation
2 : having effect : OPERATING, FUNCTIONING
- in the works : in process of preparation, development, or completion
- in work
1 : in process of being done
2 of a horse : in training
- out of work : without regular employment : JOBLESS
synonyms WORK, LABOR,TRAVAIL, TOIL, DRUGERY,GRIND mean activity involving effort or exertion. WORK may imply activity of body, of mind, of a machine, or of a natural force . LABOR applies to physical or intellectual work involving great and often strenuous exertion . TRAVAIL is bookish for labor involving pain or suffering . TOIL implies prolonged and fatiguing labor . DRUDGERY suggests dull and irksome labor . GRIND implies labor exhausting to mind or body .
synonyms WORK, EMPLOYEMENT, OCCUPATION, CALLING, PURSUIT, Métier, BUSINESS mean a specific sustained activity engaged in especially in earning one's living. WORK may apply to any purposeful activity whether remunerative or not . EMPLOYMENT implies work for which one has been engaged and is being paid by an employer . OCCUPATION implies work in which one engages regularly especially as a result of training . CALLING applies to an occupation viewed as a vocation or profession . PURSUIT suggests a trade, profession, or avocation followed with zeal or steady interest . Métier implies a calling or pursuit for which one believes oneself to be especially fitted . BUSINESS suggests activity in commerce or the management of money and affairs .
As used in this article the word “work" is meant to convey all of these meanings. Think of it this way:
•When you work at your business you exert effort to accomplish your livelihood.
•When your business works your energy produces a result, a product or a service that people desire. This is because of the particular manner or methods you are using, or because of the particular materials you are using, making or assembling.
•Work is a place people go to earn their livelihood- the office, the factory, the medical clinic.
•Work always requires effort, skills and exertion.
•Work often involves creative expression.
•Work may be for a higher purpose than moneymaking; this may be moral, religious, or something to further a public purpose such as to combat global warming.
•Work is an effective operation; if the manner of working is not effective, the work will not succeed.
There is a distinction between working at your business and working on your business. It has been written that when you work at your business, you are developing business, inventing products or processes; you are working on the creative part of the enterprise. When you work on your business, you are dealing with more mundane albeit important matters: organizing; making a business plan; filing; getting a new location; hiring and managing employees; dealing with accounting, regulatory, taxation or legal matters.
Most businesses work at getting more work. All things being equal, the more work you get the more money you make. If you feel that your business is not work, you are probably happy with your choice of work. Work does not feel like work when you enjoy it. If you feel that your business is too much work, you probably need to do something about it; make some changes or get someone else to do some of the work.
Writing music is creative work. Once in a while it is also lucrative. In the field of jazz music, sometimes an instrumental song will be written that is so special, so compelling, that another musician will create lyrics for the song. A famous example of this is the “Work Song".
The Work Song was written and recorded by Nat Adderley for the Riverside label in January, 1960 with a band which featured guitarist Wes Montgomery. Nat played the cornet, which is an instrument similar to a trumpet. Nat was the brother of the famous American saxophonist Julian Cannonball Adderley. Lyrics to the Work Song were written by Oscar Brown, Jr., who was a singer, songwriter, playwright, poet and civil rights activist. The lyrics to the Work Song are:
“Work Song"
Breaking rocks out here on the chain gang
Breaking rocks and serving my time
Breaking rocks out here on the chain gang
Because they done convicted me of crime
Hold it steady right there while I hit it
Well reckon that ought to get it
Been working and working
But I still got so terribly far to go
I commited crime lord I needed
Crime of being hungry and poor
I left the grocery store man bleeding (breathing? )
When they caught me robbing his store
Hold it steady right there while I hit it
Well reckon that ought to get it
Been working and working
But I still got so terribly far to go
I heard the judge say five years
On chain-gang you gonna go
I heard the judge say five years labor
I heard my old man scream "lordy, no!"
Hold it right there while I hit it
Well reckon that ought to get it
Been working and working
But I still got so terribly far to go
Gonna see my sweet honey bee
Gonna break this chain off to run
Gonna lay down somewhere shady
Lord I sure am hot in the sun
Hold it right there while I hit it
Well reckon that ought to get it
Been workin’ and workin’
Been workin’ and slavin’
An’ workin’ and workin’
But I still got so terribly far to go"
If you have a businesses that sells products or services to other businesses, accounts receivable financing can make your business work. When other types of financing are not available, or not adequate, accounts receivable financing may be the solution to your cash flow issues. Invoice factoring is another term for this financing method. Accounts receivable financing may be combined with purchase order financing and inventory financing to make your business work nationally and internationally. These off balance sheet financing techniques work to finance exponential growth by turning the credit you extend to your customers into cash immediately. If you have “been workin’ and slavin" ... “But still got so terribly far to go" it may be appropriate to consider accounts receivable financing.
The bottom line: accounts receivable financing is like adding lyrics to a great instrumental song; it can make your business work.
Both Jack Blacksmith & Gregg Elberg are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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