In reality melody, harmony, and rhythm probably impacts the human brain in ways that are far more profound than we realize. We all know that an up tempo melody from our favorite performer stirs and energizes us just as a slower melody can help us relax or even prompt sad emotions from the depths of our soul, but did you know that evidence has been found linking the merging of melody, harmony, and rhythm with pain management?
The direct implication of this is that by incorporating the right melody (we'll discuss what defines the right melody in a moment) into your schedule it is possible to reduce your need for pain medication and thereby save money and aggravation.
Sound good? I know it does to me. Who wouldn't like to save a little more money that they are already sending to the pharmaceutical companies. And the best part is that the melodies that you need for pain management may already be in your collection.
Researchers suggest that the magic melody that you are looking for in your quest for melodic pain relief isn't one particular song that fits all. Instead personal taste is an important factor: but don't run out and put on your favorite hard rock selection, it probably won't do the trick. Instead, you want to look for a gentle, soothing melody that helps you relax. This might mean an old Natalie Cole melody that distracts you and draws you in to a more comfortable moment, but whether your taste if for Natalie Cole, Handel, or something more modern, the key is to find a melody that has a slow steady beat (ideally at or under sixty beats per minute, which is just below the resting rate of the human heart) that will help you relax and let the pain medication do its work more effectively.
Once you have found the right melody, sit back and focus on the melody for at least fifteen minutes. If you can do this, it can have the effect of lowering your heart rate and breathing rate thereby releasing the tension that comes with (or in some cases even causes) the pain. If you find it difficult to focus on giving the melody your undivided attention, try prefacing your selections with an additional melody that picks you up emotionally and sucks you into the moment before going into your quieting music which should relax you; after all, relaxing you is the primary function of many analgesics anyway so why not do it with a melody that's already in your collection? Or better yet, what better excuse to go out and add a new CD to your collection?
And hey -- even if it doesn't help your aching head, its a heck of a lot cheaper than other means and pleasant to boot!
Make You Feel Better Red
Being ill and feeling run down all the time is not the best way to enhance your productivity at work and your energy at home. And the reality is that many people suffer from fatigue and they do not know that there is a simple remedy for it. This is often caused by a lack of vital nutrients to keep it going. When your body does not receive the correct amounts of the proper nutrients, it cannot carry its everyday functions cleanly.
In the meantime, you are expecting all kinds of things from your body. You might want it to deliver, but your inputs are just not creating the right outputs.
A natural health remedy will help you need to fight all these elements with which your body is faced. It will incorporate the right eating, which means your body gets the right food which will help you keep fatigue at bay.
A natural health remedy can also involve using natural health products to help you keep your body as healthy as you possibly can.
Just like a car your body needs the right fuel, so that it can keep running. Natural health remedies will give you a helping and natural advantage in all the little everyday ailments that you are faced with.
Most of the natural health remedies are praised for their fast and effective means of dealing with these ailments.
In addition to using natural health remedies, you should also learn what to eat and in what proportions, so you can prevent skin abrasions and fatigue. Changing your diet will have benefits that last beyond the day or the week; changing your diet will have a lifelong impact on your energy level and productivity.
Natural health remedies come in many forms; these can be natural health products for internal and external use, natural health medicine or natural health tonics.
As a consumer, you have a number of options. You should start with one product, build a regimen, and then move on to the next.
Both Duane Shinn & Emmanuel Aubrey are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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