Few things can brighten a child's spirit more than a toy during a time of distress or illness. Whether you donate a dollhouse, a toy truck or even a stuffed animal, the smiles on their faces are priceless. Unfortunately, many people who want to give to children or children's charities might not know the best way to go about it. All you need are a few simple guidelines to get you started.
Holiday Toy Drives
Every year during the holiday season, local newspapers and news stations begin to advertise their charity drives. Toys for Tots is one of the most popular, but Toys Not Tears and others are also dedicated to providing toys for those in need. If you have small toys to donate, they usually have drop boxes at convenient locations to make things easy. You local supermarket or post office might have a collection area where you can simply leave the toys. If you want to donate larger toys, like dollhouses or something similar, find a phone number for the organization and they can give you more detailed instructions.
One of the biggest advocates for children's toy runs are motorcycle clubs. Every year clubs all over the country organize toy runs where the riders bring a toy in lieu of the cost of participating in the ride. Fire departments, police departments and other governmental organizations also present the community with drives of their own.
Call Your Area Hospitals
Almost every hospital has a wing set aside for pediatrics. Many times, these are kids who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or other major medical problem. They are away from their family and they might feel depressed surrounded by equipment and dreary institutional settings. With a simple phone call to the hospital, you can find out if they will accept toy donations for the kids. You might even find out if there are some particularly lonely children that could use a ?pick me up.? Try to find their age so you can donate appropriate toys that they can enjoy to the fullest.
Contact Local Churches
Churches are always in the business of giving to the needy. Not only do they give away food, they give toys and other goods to families who can't afford to provide for their children. The church's denomination is not important. Call one of the churches in your area and ask if they have the names of any families with small children that are less fortunate. They will be more than happy to take the toys you have and make sure they get to somebody who can use them.
For most children, toys can do things that nothing else can do. They can bring a smile to their face and provide hours of enjoyment regardless of the child's age. With the exception of holidays, toys are an overlooked necessity for children. It's great to donate during Christmas and other holidays, but donating throughout the year will give you a sense of satisfaction. Finding a local agency is often as simple as looking up a phone number and making a call.
Making A Difference Song
I think, it is constantly making an effort to be kind and considerate to the people whome we meet in our every day life.
In the first place, I think "Listening to Others" is a wonderful act of kindness. I tell you, for most of us, it is not easy.
Do I take time to listen? Earlier I had this bad habit of interrupting the conversation and try to budge myself in with my side of opinions and arguments. Sometimes I was bored with the conversation and shifted my gaze towards others not knowing that I am insulting the other person.
Once when somebody else did the same to me, not listening but trying to greet somebody else when I was still talking, I thought it was an utterly a disrespect to me. This incident changed my attitude and I started practising listening and tried improving my listening skills.
I learnt that the skill of listening is to focus your total attention to the other person when he/she is talking. Even if we are not able to help them in their issues, simple listening by leaning forward and totally absorbing to what is said gives respect to the other person and lightens their burden. Remember a time when somebody listened to you with full eye contact and focussed on the words that flowed out of your mouth. Didn't that act of listening lift your burden at that moment and made you feel free knowing that there is somebody for you?
There are great speakers to whom people flock to listen. But there are people who are rarely listened to because they are suffering and want to share their feelings with someone they could trust or someone willing to spend time for them. They usually tend to repeat but doesn't matter. We are doing an act of kindness by listening to them.
Secondly, Am I sensitive to others needs? Probably not because I have my own issues to deal with, trying hard to make both ends meet, trying all possible ways to meet the growing family needs, earning hard to pay off the mortgage with rising interest rates etc.
Truly, the world will become a better place to live if we are sensitive to what they may need to alleviate the stress and life's burdens they are facing. Is this beyond my capability? Why should I do this when I have so many things to sort out for my family and myself?
"Do to others as you would have them do to you". If you had gone through the same path of pain, then you may be able to assist the other person in a more effective way than others. So why not share and make a difference in the other person's life?
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Both Veronica Scott & Sugi Stanley are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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