Convert entire or selected records of your MySQL database toMSSQL database format
Thursday, 23July 2009;
Migrate MySQL database software converts entire or selectedMySQL database records into MSSQL database format in fast and efficient way. Databaseconversion software supports all versions of MySQL database server and MSSQLdatabase server including latest MSSQL server 2008.
Have you required software to Migrate MySQL database? MySQLto MSSQL database converter allows easy conversion of MySQL database recordsinto MSSQL database format. Safe to use database conversion software providesvarious facilities to the user such as new records can be inserted, existingrecords can be viewed, modified, updated, altered and deleted easily after thedatabase conversion. MySQL to MSSQL database converter tool works on allWindows platforms such as Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000,Windows NT, Windows 98 etc.
For more details about the program you can visit thefollowing URL ?
Software isa complete database migration solution for converting selected MySQL database tablerecords or the entire MySQL database into fully structured MSSQL databaseformat. Non destructive database conversion software is enhanced withfunctionalities like facility of overwriting the converted database recordsinto existing database records or saving the records at user specified location.MySQL to MSSQL database converter software supports all database attributesincluding key constraints, data types, tables, rows, null values and many more.Migrate MySQL database software is enhanced with a highly interactive user friendlygraphical user interface along with a help manual to minimize the problems ofusers. Database conversion utility works on all Windows platforms such asWindow 7, Vista, XP, NT, 2000, 98 etc.
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