It's often said that you only get what you pay for? In most cases it's a true statement but not so with the housing market. High price is not always high quality just as low cost doesn't automatically mean low standards. There are so many rental options available out there in the concrete jungles, but the question is how to find such places?
For most people the hardest part about finding good rental accommodation is the search. This is especially true in the low to mid price ranges. It can prove to be an absolute nightmare. There are usually only 2 viable options available which are word by mouth or by search yourself.
It's really hard to find that perfect dwelling if you're on a low budget, but it can be done. Quite often it's all about settling for a compromise. Common problems are that the place is either too big or too small, out of budget or too far from the workplace. Then, just when everything seems to be going fine, the neighbourhood lets the whole deal down.
Another drawback with budget type accommodation, is that when it comes to renting property in the low to mid price range, the real estate agents are not truly interested. Go into their office and tell them you're looking for a crash pad for a couple of hundred dollars and see how helpful they are! The odds are they won't assign you a tasty looking escort for the day who respectfully accompanies you into the back of a company limo as she enthusiastically presents you with one studio squat after another!
Although some agents advertise direct contacts to such dwellings on their websites, it's not unusual for the phone numbers, prices, and other details to be out dated, incorrect, or both, which shows their lack of commitment to properties of these types.
There are websites too that boast a comprehensive database, listing nothing but budget priced accommodation, but there is a catch! You have to pay a subscription fee to get access to them, and even then you won't know how useful it is until you pay up.
So my friends and fellow home hunters, by far the best way to find a great pad at that affordable price is to ask around well in advance of your move, or find a decent no nonsense website and begin to add potential properties to a wish list so that you have a few options to check out when it's getting time to move.
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