Nowadays while the Internet and other networks are developed considerably viruses of computer are distributed quickly and intensively. Day laborer several new able viruses to damage your computing system considerably emerge. The specialists in antivirus work hard as soon as possible to make with updates their software against new viruses. The viruses can obtain the interior computer in various manners. This is why there is no simple method to protect the system. Only the series of measure can give you reliable protection against the infection. Below are 9 stages to protect the ms Windows based system from PC against viruses.
1. To make the regular supports.
It should say that there is no absolutely sure manner of protection. The creators of virus regularly find holes in new data-processing products to employ them for the infection of the computing systems. Some dangerous viruses can damage data files considerably or even erase the whole filesystem. To make the regular supports of your data files to the device of storage of separate file. It can be a unit of hard drive separated, an instantaneous chart, a compact disk or a device of storage different of file which you choose. To relieve the process you can employ software of autosaving. And ready being if the system will die because of the infection of virus.
2. To be ready to reinstall your system if he dies because of the viruses.
To obtain distributive your system of operation and the distributive ones of the software that you use-and maintain them together, for example, on a number of nonremote Cd of you. In this case if the infection of virus will cause the failure of the irremediable system you can quickly reinstall your medium of operation.
3. To protect your connection network with the wall fire resistant.
The wall fire resistant is a software which blocks suspicious connections potentially dangerous to prevent viruses of the network to penetrate in your system. The system of Windows Xp stopped the wall fire resistant integrated simple but reliable. You can allow it as follows. 1) in control, the network management panel of double-click and connection Internet, and clicks connections network then. 2) Right-click connection on which you would like to allow the wall fire resistant, and then click properties. 3) on the advanced label, to check the option to protect my computer and network.
If you need a more flexible order of connections with the network you can obtain and install a more advanced software of wall fire resistant like the wall fire resistant personal of Norton or the wall fire resistant of outpost. If you employ this software you have the capacity to allow or block particular connections and to supervise the activity of network.
4. To employ the software of antivirus.
To install the software of antivirus which will sweep your system seeking and erasing viruses systematically. The chiefs in software of antivirus for systems of Windows are antivirus of Norton, McAfee, antivirus of Kaspersky and PC-cilin.
5. Regularly updated of the operating system.
Windows Xp has the integrated automatic service of update. It comes into contact with regularly the waiter of Microsoft to find updates and informs you if the updates are ready to be installed. The updates are important because the intruders regularly find holes in operating system which are often employed by creators of virus.
6. Not to install and not to run the suspicious software.
To check the new programs which you will install with the software of antivirus. Not to download the software of the suspicious Web sites. To download the software to always seek the Web site of the creator of software or the distributer of civil servant. Not to open the applications received by the email of the unknown people.
7. To limit the access to your computer.
To protect enter to the system with the password.
8. If you employ Internet Explorer, to plan to move with another navigator.
Because the IE is the navigator more distributed today the creators of virus actively employ defects in its security system to infect computers. The infection can emerge if you will visit the Web page which contains the invisible harmful code. You are surer if you employ the less known navigator only because the creators of virus do not lend much attention to it. The important competitors Firefox of IE and the navigators of opera provide the same ones now interfaces and range comfortable of the services to work with the Web.
9. To employ the protection of Spam.
Viruses are often distributed via the email. To connect the filters of Spam in your box of email to the reception of Spam of block. If you need the assistance with the use of the filters you can ask your service provider email.
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