There is a fantastic choice in sweater and fleece t shirt styles and colors. They can be adorned with hearts, crystals, bows, bowties, buttons, pockets, pearls, gold jewelry, and silver jewelry. They come trimmed in lace, denim, feathers, fur, faux fur, leather. Shopping for your little dog can be just as much fun as shopping for yourself or a little toddler. Dog clothes designers are busy as bees working on new designs for us dog fanciers. It is actually enough to make your head swim and if you are already an indecisive person, such as I am, then you might just throw your arms up in frustration and decide to make your own.
In ancient China, little Pekingese and Shih Tzu were called ?sleeve dogs.? The empress and people of royalty carried these little dogs in the sleeves of their clothing. You can use the sleeve of a human sweater to make your small dog a sweater of his own. Follow the simple directions below:
1.Use any sweater you want, even that favorite cashmere sweater that now has a stain that would not come out last time you wore it.
2.Measure the length you want the dog sweater to be (add a little more for a hem) and cut.
3.The ribbing at the sweater's wrist makes a perfect turtleneck for a little dog.
4.Cut holes for the legs.
5.Hem around the armholes and hemline. And you are done! You have a dog sweater. These sweaters can be made in minutes.
6.Add trim of anything you want like faux fur along the hem and arm holes.
7.Add beads, pearls, buttons, and rhinestones, anything that reflects your and your dog's personality.
If you want to dress your dog to look like you, next time you find a bargain sweater, buy two, and make your little dog a sweater following these directions to match yours.
If you have a favorite doggie sweater that fits your little dog perfectly but is getting on the worn out side. Use the old sweater as a pattern for a new one. Follow the simple directions below:
1.Cut the old dog sweater along its seam lines to make the pattern.
2.Trace the shape onto a piece of paper.
3.Find a human sweater of your choice at a bargain store or a resale store or tucked way back in your own closet.
4.Cut the human sweater along the pattern lines.
5.Sew securely (do a whip-stitch around any exposed fabric edges to make sure it does not unravel).
6.Trim it with ribbons, beads, and buttons, whatever you like. And you are done. You have a new favorite sweater for your little dog, all for the fraction of the cost of one already made.
You can find some wonderful sweaters at resale clothing stores ? like your local Goodwill Store. You will find last season sweaters or sweaters that need repair but still have sleeves in good shape. Some of these sweaters are made of fine wools, silk and cashmere. Sleeves from men's sweaters work well for larger dogs and the sleeves from children's sweaters work well for very tiny puppies or very tiny dogs. The ideas you can find at such stores to make your own dog sweaters are limitless. Use your imagination and own unique creativity to design your dog's next wardrobe of sweaters.
Connie Limon has sinced written about articles on various topics from Careers and Job Hunting, Dogs and Colon Cleanse. Connie Limon is a Shih Tzu breeder. Buy fleece t-shirts in a variety of colors and patterns as well as hand made crochet dog blankets and other designer dog clothes at:. Connie Limon's top article generates over 135000 views. Bookmark Connie Limon to your Favourites.
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