From the magical city of Petra Jordan and its multi-colored sand mountains, the original inspiration was born: Bottles with multi-colored sand from the Petra mountains for the city visitor to take home, sometimes with geometrical decorations and mostly layers of different colors. No one recalls precisely who started the whole thing or when, the only thing we know for sure is that it was born in Petra, inspired by its multicolored sand rocks in the 1920's or earlier.
In the late 1940's, the camel was born, and bottles from that era show its first basic shapes, the oldest bottle I came across was from the year 1922. A tourist came across it in Aqaba, Jordan. From there it found its way to Essex, England.
In the year 1994, we where introduced to this craft while visiting Petra, and though it came a long way from where it started, it still wasn't mature enough to stand as an art.
Our first contribution that year was giving the idea a grander prospect and presentation, introducing handmade bottles as containers to replace the old recycled jars, making it at once more original, indigenous to the region and artistically appealing. It was a good first step, which went very well, and up to this day, we still make and sell our handmade glass to sand artists in Jordan and around the world.
Since that date, we also developed the sand art skill to determine what can be draw using colored sand, from basic layers to almost anything, new colours, new tools were introduced to the sand artist.
Funnels simply replace brushes and bottles replace canvas. The sky's the limit on what you can draw once you learn how to do it.
In our travels around the world introducing this art, we were continuously challenged. Moving sand art out of its homeland means intuitively that it has to adapt to new environs. A camel would look silly in Switzerland, but a reindeer would blend nicely so the rain dear was born in Switzerland. The dolphin and the palm tree were born in Devon, England.
In Italy, customers were more challenging ? they wanted to see a Picasso in sand art. This opened the door more widely on what we could strive to achieve: almost anything!
That's our answer today when people ask what else you can do and the credit for that goes to Sand gallery senior artists! , Sand Galley senior artist!
Sand gallery senior artists! is one of few around the world so far who can do almost anything and he is one of few willing to share his knowledge as well. Sand art has been for many years a well-guarded secret, though Sand gallery senior artists! had no problem teaching sand art in Jordan, our homeland, and around the world, breaking that wall of silence that limited sand art for many years.
He even taught it in Egypt back in 1997, and if you visit Egypt now, you will find it riddled with sand fillers, though it's still in its basic origins, the camels and the layers. Revaluations take time as we know, but at least he got the bug started there, and it won't be long before we'll start seeing real master works from that part of the world.
Parallel to sand art revaluation in the Mid-East, there are still various themes of this art practiced around the world.
In Tibet, monks make pictures on the floor using colored sand, and it's a thousand year old tradition, but we can't establish a link to the sand art we practice today, so, speaking fairly, it may be a completely separate form of art, but we won't exclude any possibilities.
Also, in northern Brazil, they draw using crushed chalk in medicine bottles. From a historical point of view, I think the Jordanian version came long before they started, and it's much more representative and achievable, but I found no links or ties between these arts.
Sand art stands now as the newborn babe in the art world. It's becoming more common and more accessible. Sand Gallery is attempting to introduce it to schools, as younger generations will infuse this art with popularity and prosperity. Bear in mind that we teach you how to draw in sand and not just layers. Achieving that is the mission we are on in
Plastic Sand Art Bottles
Among many of the other things available online that are unique and are results of beautiful craftsmanship there are also some products maybe some of us either never heard about or are amazed to find out the amount of time that are put into them. Some of these products might include things like hand crafted glass jewelry, glass blowing and sand art! All these products have some sort of a history that goes way back. Take hand crafted glass jewelry for example, this art has been used in Jordan and Mesopotamia as far back as 4500 BC and 3000 BC! Hand blown glass has been around since middle of the last century B.C. Sand art was born in Petra Jordan back in the 1920s or earlier.
Sand art is the creation of different colored particles of sand in a bottle. These creations are absolutely stunning to say the least. And, the amount of time it takes as well as the amount of passion that goes into making these pieces of art is incredible. I watched a video on someone making one of these sand art items and the whole time my mouth was just gaping open. I couldn't believe the way the "picture" just appeared inside the bottle.
If you get a chance to watch something like this, take the time to sit down and really pay attention because chances are you're going to be pretty amazed at the end product! In fact, if you want to you can try YouTube and search for "Sand Art" and then look for a video by user "Thamir78". There are a few different variations of sand art, but the one I want you to take a look at is the ones that are done in decorative bottles!
The people that specialize in making this sort of sand art have perfected their skills; they know exactly how to "draw" in the sand so that certain objects appear such as mountains, sunsets, or animals, as well as which colors to mix and where they should place the sand. The only tool used in this art is a funnel. They have different "pictures" that were developed in different countries. For example, the camel sand art was created in Aqaba, Jordan in 1940, the reindeer however, was developed for Switzerland, and the dolphin and palm tree was born in Devon England.
I also caught one sand art piece that really caught me by surprise. I'm very partial to Picasso and Van Gogh in general so when I see anything that involves those two artists it always catches my attention. This sand art creation was Tete d'une Femme Lisant by Picasso. And I can tell you right now it was almost an exact replica of the original! This one was of course born in Italy!
Sand art has a type of artist called a "Sand Gallery Senior Artist" and the people that are lucky enough to have this high ranking title are just a handful of people. The Senior Artist can make absolutely anything out of the sand, they are the creme de la creme! The Senior is also one of the few sand artists that are willing to share some of the age old secrets of creating a sand art piece as well as sharing knowledge about the process.
The reason you will only find a handful of sites that do this, is because there are only a small handful of people that do this! I hope you enjoy learning more about this beautiful art!
Both Ma141 & Kristi Ambrose are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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