To successfully raise the capital you need you will need to execute on several fronts, but that is not the subject of this article. In this article we'll discuss the 7 quickest ways to kill your capital raising efforts.
1. Talk to as few people as possible. Your deal is probably so attractive, why wouldn't anyone jump at the chance to invest as soon as you show up. If you only need a few investors, it'll probably be the first handful of people you talk to.
2. Make sure you only talk to people who don't have any money. Getting an audience with Uncle Lou is certainly easier than getting in front of Mr. Money Bags; besides, Uncle Lou is easy to talk to and he likes you. Forget that Uncle Lou doesn't have any money. When Dillinger responded, “...because that's where the money is” to the question of why he robs banks – he was just kidding.
3. When you get around to talking to people, make sure you talk to one person at a time. Don't make the mistake of chasing several prospective investors at once; it'll just wear you out. Pick one prospective investor. Get an appointment set up. Wait until you meet with and hear back from them before you call the next prospective investor on your list. Besides, it would be embarrassing having to turn investors away just because you called too many people at once.
4. Take your time. Whoever said, “time kills all deals” doesn't know what they're talking about. Take your time, there's no hurry. Take your time calling prospective investors and take your time getting back to them (you don't want to seem too anxious). Don't press a sense of urgency when you talk about your deal, people don't like to be pressured.
5. Have a poor pitch. Make sure that your talking points are as uninteresting as possible - boring in fact. You don't want to grab anyone's attention. Don't focus on the business model – how your deal makes money. Forget all that talk about customers, products, industry, markets, competition, and financial performance – that's all uninteresting stuff. Focus instead on you and just keep telling your prospective investor “I'm gonna make you rich!”
6. Investors want to guess how much you need, so don't tell them what or how much you're looking for. Play 20 questions with them, everyone like games, and it's more fun that way. If your prospective investor asks you whether you are looking for debt of equity, the right answer is always “what do you think?” When you answer a question with a question, it shows that you are a shrewd businessperson. If they push you, just tell them “whatever works for you”, you want to show that you'll be accommodating.
7. Be unprofessional. Show up late for meetings. Don't look the part. Be unprepared. Steer every answer to “I'm gonna make you rich!” Don't have any documents that describe your deal, like a term sheet or private placement memorandum, you don't want to come across slick.
There you have it. Follow these seven simple steps and you too can have your capital raising efforts flame out as quickly as possible.
Quickest Way To Kill Yourself
The quickest way to generate targeted traffic and start earning commissions with an affiliate marketing business is to use Google adwords. One doesn't even need a website of their own to make money online using adwords. Traffic can be sent directly to an affiliate link. Even though this is the easiest way to make money online I recommend those who advertise on Google send traffic to their own website first for a couple of reasons. First of all traffic sent to an information pre sell site tends to provide much higher sales conversions than just using direct affiliate links.
Secondly Google has recently tightened its quality scoring of websites making the cost per click skyrocket for many who were sending traffic to direct links. This has priced many affiliate marketers out of using adwords and is widely known as the "Google slap". I've found a good way to improve quality scores and lower cost per click is to write topical blogs and send adwords traffic to them. The blogs can have the affiliate links included in the text. For best results the text links should be the same or related to the keywords bidded on in an adwords campaign.
A critical part of adwords success is the ad itself. The ad needs to have a high click through rate to receive a lower cost per click. An ad should have keywords that the advertiser is bidding on included in the title. Many ads should be created and tested. To use dynamic keyword insertion in place of the title one must put {keyword: default}. In place of default a keyword or phrase should be used in case a keyword phrase bidded on is too long for Google to automatically insert the keyword.
The ads that have low click through rates meaning usually below 1 percent should be deleted. One technique that can be used is dynamic keyword insertion. With dynamic keyword insertion Google will put the keywords in the title of an ad automatically. To use dynamic keyword insertion in place of the title one must put {keyword: default}. In place of default a keyword or phrase should be used in case a keyword phrase bidded on is too long for Google to automatically insert the keyword.
Keywords are another important consideration in using Google adwords. The better keywords to bid on are usually specific lower traffic words rather than the higher traffic general terms. For example a keyword like "music" will not convert to sales as well as words like specific songs or artists names. The more closely the keywords are related to the topic of the website the better. Just like ads underperforming keywords with low click through rates should also be deleted and new keywords periodically tested.
Where many go wrong with adwords is they set up an ad campaign and never go back to make changes. In order to be successful using adwords an affiliate marketer must continually make adjustments to fine tune their campaigns. This means they must constantly be testing new ads and keywords and deleting underperformers. If one does this consistently an adwords campaign is likely to cost much less and be more profitable.
Both Nick Jevic & Ravii Kumar are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Nick Jevic has sinced written about articles on various topics from Affiliate Programs. Nick Jevic is the owner of TransCapital Pro, a publisher of Private Placement Memorandum Templates. Keep more of the money you raise by using an. Nick Jevic's top article generates over 880 views. Bookmark Nick Jevic to your Favourites.
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