Safelists came into existence when Email "spam" became a big issue.
Simply stated, Safelists are in fact nothing more than a group of individuals, who agree to receive and send email messages to each other.
The fact that they agree to receive email make these lists "safe", hence the name Safelist...
A Safelist can be used to advertise web sites, E-books, business opportunities, affiliate programs and so forth.
Safelists promote the hype that each member will get hundreds of targeted leads and earn thousands by submitting to their safelist. They continue the hype by promoting to the unwary that their ads will be seen and their sites visited. Certain types of sites like this can only marginally come close to making any sort of guarantee of visitors. Most of these types of safelists operate a credit based system that awards viewers credits when they visit other member sites. Once they reach a certain credit threshold they, in turn, can send out their own message.
The other version of this site does not offer credits, but only says that you won't be accused of spamming by other members in the safelist. In both cases, the member must have a valid e-mail account to stay a member.
The two main problems arising from this type of system come from the sheer volume of e-mails coming to the member's e-mail box. Many e-mail box services will simply start filtering them out, thus eliminating any possibility of them being viewed. The second comes from the fact that no one has time to read each email that comes into their box. Many e-mails will simply be mass deleted. Even credit based safelists have suffered from these problems.
How many people actually take the time to read your e-mails and view your site with any real intention of buying? It is important to remember that members of these safelists are trying to sell you their product. They are not interested in buying from you, and likewise you are trying to sell your product and are not interested in what they are offering. So, you have sellers selling to sellers for the most part and it just won't work. Even credit based systems cannot guarantee sales. So, with all of this in mind, is it safe to assume you won't make any money from them? If you do make any money here it is from newbie marketers who have been told to use safelists and Traffic exchanges(I will give my take on TE'S another time)and it won't be as much as other proven methods of promotions.
In reality, the only "responsive safelist" an Internet Marketer can have is the one he or she generates thru legitimate means. For example starting a newsletter or through the use of lead generating squeeze pages.
Business Conference Call Services This is because communication and interaction must be regular to ensure that the entire team is on the same page. Only in this way can you be certain that goals will be reached and tasks accomplished