Mrs. Audrey Fowler of England was a great lover of the Shih Tzu and tried diligently to acquire breeding stock without much success. Her interest in the little dogs began in 1935. Mrs. Fowler made many trips to various sections of cities of Hong Kong and Shanghai looking for the golden long-haired dogs. Mrs. Fowler was acqauinted with a man named Dr. Vincent Nesfield who did acquire a gold and white Shih Tzu back in 1904.
In 1904, Dr. Vincent Nesfield, a medical officer in the Younghusband Expedition to Tibet, brought back a little Shih Tzu. He did not know exactly where these dogs originated. He only knew the breed was very old. This little Shih Tzu was a female, who went back to India with him, and died in Gambeti Assam in 1910. He felt like there was no dog ever he could imagine more faithful and more affectionate than this little girl Shih Tzu he acquired during the Younghusband Expedition. She would not go to anyone else, and Mr. Nesfield felt the Shih Tzu breed had some kind of special quality that brings "good luck," hence the honour of receiving one. His dog came from the Dalai Lama, who at that time had fled from Lhasa. The thirteenth Dalai Lama gave these little dogs as special gifts to the old Empress of China and that is why specimens were found in Peking. Mr. Nesfield's Shih Tzu was gold and white, the face was not like a Peke, i.e., "stumpy."
Mrs. Audrey Fowler acquired a gold-and-white female of the right age to undertake the strenuous journey to England from the Countess d'Anjou in Peking. She acquired another puppy, a little honey-colored female from Frances Bieber, a well-known authority on the Sacred Lion of Buddha. These early gold-and-white imports left no progency, but Mrs. Fowler was determined to establish a gold-color line and went on to establish the famous Chasmu Kennel in 1938 on her return to England from Peking.
Monsieur de Graeffe, Belgium ambassador in Peking in the 1930s was able to acquire a number of Shih Tzu descended from a pair bred in the palace in the 1920s, named Lize and Kwaine. There is a seven-generation pedigree written by Madame de Graeffe tracing their line back to Lize and Kwaine who were born in the Imperial Palace. Lize died in 1930 and Kawanie in 1929. The Shih Tzu of Monsieur de Graeffe moved to Iran when he was transfered there. Alan Roger and Sheila Bode, English Breeders, saw Lize and Kawanie in Iran and became determined to own some Shih Tzu after the war. Their remembrance of color was that of brown and gold. Three years later Mr. Roger acquired a puppy of parents from Peking. Soon after, he acquired a gray and white bitch from a Chinese who was returning to China and wanted to find a suitable home for his pet.
Reverend D. Allan Easton, pastor of the Peking Union Church in late 1948 documented the only Shih Tzu bred in Peking that he knew of was those of Alfred Koehn, A german author and publisher and to his knowledge the last Shih Tzu to leave Peking were taken out by a British diplomat who left Hong Kong in 1948.
Among other Shih Tzu who left China before the Communists' occupation of Peking in 1949 was Mai-Ting, a black and white bitch from Shanghai and Wuffles, a camel-colored male from North China who left by air just prior to the advance of the Red Army. Wuffles was bred to Mai-Ting and produced one black and white puppy in 1950. Their names can be found in many English and American pedigress. A few years later, Wuffles was tragically killed by a truck.
The last recorded Shih Tzu to leave China was a bitch named Hsi-Li-Ya, imported to England by Mr. R.P. Dobson in 1952. With the Communist government in power, the fate of all dogs was sealed. Dogs were consumers of food and thus ordered to be destroyed. It is therefore presumed they became extinct in Asia. Fortunately, the Shih Tzu reached the West about 25 years before the Communist Revolution. It seems like a miracle they ever survived when so much of destiny seemed to be against them. God's gift of the Shih Tzu to us prevailed over all the evil the breed had endured.
It is my feeling that "good always overcome evil." And The Shih Tzu are certainly something "good" for all of us.....
Shih Tzu To Buy
Your puppy is so adorable and affectionate it is hard to believe there would be times when her behavior would truly try your patience to no end. Try to understand her needs. If you will apply a few practical training techniques you will probably be able to reduce many of the problems that try your patience and some problem behaviors you can eliminate altogether.
Chewing is one of the first problems a puppy may present to you. Chewing is very typical in puppies and a natural, necessary behavior. It does not mean the puppy has severe behavior problems or will end up a "biter," or end up destroying everything in your house. It just means your puppy is very, very normal. You need to learn how to teach your puppy to chew on appropriate items.
Puppies may start chewing a lot at about four months of age because that is usually when they start teething and it will take several months for this process to complete itself. Teething makes their gums sore, so try to understand your puppy is probably in pain during this time and trying to eliminate that pain. Try to help your puppy by giving him objects he can chew on and that will help him through this teething process.
We are not going to assume at this point in time that the puppy is exhibiting separation anxiety. Just start with treating the problem as a natural period of your puppy's life that you and he both can get through safely by introducing appropriate chewing objects.
First of all, try to eliminate as many opportunities as you most possibly can for your puppy to chew on things you don't want chewed on. Don't let the bad habits start. Get several bottles of spray Grannick's bitter apple taste deterrent and training aid for dogs and keep them handy where you and puppy will be. Try to spray the stuff on things before puppy has the opportunity to find them, like the legs of tables, and furniture around the floor where puppy would have access to start a chewing game. Once you spray that stuff on the area (and it normally does not stain anything) puppy will run from the spot and over time may never bother the spot at all or again. If you catch him chewing on something, run for the bitter apple spray (or have a bottle handy as I mentioned before in every location where puppy might be) and spray, spray, spray. You will need to do this at least every 48 hours. Repeated behaviors is a big learning experience for puppies and dogs. If the experience of chewing on the leg of your favorite end table taste terrible he will eventually learn to stay away from that spot. He may never return. But then again, he might, so still keep your eyes open to areas your puppy or dog might chew on even months down the road after he has avoided the spot, he might return and if the place does not taste awful, he might chew even after his teething period. Always keep Grannick's bitter apple taste deterrent and training aid for dogs within reach in households where puppies and dog live. If you catch puppy or dog in the act of chewing on an inappropriate item just spraying the stuff is enough, you don't even have to say a harsh word to him.
If you can remove items where puppy or you do will be, then this is also an option, but a person can't remove all their furniture just because puppy and dog lives with them. Some items can be stored in other places, however. This is called puppy proofing a room much like baby proofing rooms before the arrival of a baby or before babies begin to crawl and walk and discover their environment.
Provide your puppy with Nylabones. These come in edible flavors as well as well as the hard plastic or whatever material they are made out of. These are excellent and come in petite sizes for the smallest of the Shih Tzu. Buy toys that say they are good to be chewed on and keep not more than 3 or 4 out at a time, then rotate them with new ones to provide variety. Puppies find a change in chewing objects interesting.
When you are home you can interact with your puppy by sitting on the floor, casually place something tempting beside of you, such as your shoe or a pencil or an object puppy has shown interest in to chew on. Just as the puppy approches the object, give a firm "NO," but provide her with an appropriate chewing object instead like one of the toys mentioned above or a Nylabone. And remember repetition is the key to training your puppy. Do this over and over again and you will teach your puppy how to teeth and chew on appropriate items rather than inappropriate items. It takes time and patience on your part, but will be well worth it, and these training sessions can create an extra bonding time for you and puppy.
Connie Limon has sinced written about articles on various topics from Careers and Job Hunting, Dogs and Colon Cleanse. Connie Limon, Breeder of the Shih TzuAustin, IndianaStain Glass Shih Tzuhttp://www.stainglassshihtzus.comIndependent Field Rep HealthyPetNet. Connie Limon's top article generates over 135000 views. Bookmark Connie Limon to your Favourites.
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