The skin care regimens for men are aimed at educating men, not only of the benefits gained in having younger healthier looking skin but also of the health benefits as well.
Not only is a man's skin 20% thicker and firmer than most women's skin due to extra collagen and elastin found in their skin but it also tends to be more oily with larger pores which tend to collect sweat and dirt more readily. Add to this the dehydration caused through daily shaving and this can have a serious affect on the skin.
In order to avoid dehydration, skin problems and the early signs of aging such as wrinkles, good skin care is vital.
Good skin care is important, cleaning the pores helps fight against oils and aids in the treatment of conditions such as acne.
Also needed for skin care is a good cleanser specially formulated for your skin type is the best way rather than a bar of soap which can be made of harsh chemical that as well as clean also strip your skin of vital oils and have a scouring effect as will alcohol based after shave products.
Using a swivel-head razor rather than a disposable razor is a good habit to get into.
Next on the list for men's skin care is a moisturizer, again using one that is made for your skin type will rejuvenate your skin. Many men with oily or trouble skin are afraid to use moisturizer but the right one will not cause you any problems for your skin.
You are not putting oil on your skin, you are giving it moisture. At this point it is appropriate to mention that most men's skin care ranges are formulated especially for men which means no "girly" fragrances.
Men don't even consider sunscreen as a part of the overall skin care program. You wouldn't go for a day at the beach or a picnic with applying sunscreen. Yet your face is exposed to the sun and the other elements every day, apart from the drying effects of the sun, research has shown that skin cancer on the face is increasingly common.
So the skin care program should include protecting your most exposed parts of your body, your face and hands with at least a 15+ SPF sunscreen is something that should become as automatic as shaving.
Many moisturizers now have is built in sunscreens or alternatively, you can use any brand of sunscreen with the required level of protection, remembering to reapply at regular intervals.
It is not too hard to find a men's skin care range to suit your skin with many leading companies developing good quality products to clean, moisturize and protect your skin.
It's time to clear a spot in the bathroom for the new skin care products to help protect your skin and keep you healthy.
Skin Tips For Men
Do you remember when you were a child and your skin had that natural glow? Even as a teenager, skipping the pimple phase, you had beautiful skin. Then when you turned older you looked in the mirror one day and asked yourself, what happened to my glowing skin? What happened to that glowing skin is it's not naturally glowing anymore: it needs your help. You are at the age where you have to make some type of effort to get and keep that glow. If we were smart, we would start taking care of our skin much sooner, but most of us don't. We wait until we wake up one day and realize we don't look like that child or teenager anymore.
You should wash your face twice a day, everyday. Every morning and every night. Dove beauty bar is great for any type of skin to clean your face with daily.
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. This will help you get that natural glow. Drink plenty of water. This helps cleanse your circulatory system, which again, is very important in skin care.
A balanced diet and cleanliness are the simplest steps to ensure healthy skin. Do remember to wash your face everytime you return from an outing. Dust and smoke block skin pores.
Fruit Mask for Glowing Skin
Honey, as needed (about 1/8 cup)
1/4 apple
1/4 orange, peeled
6 grapes
3 strawberries
1. Whiz fruits (but not honey) in your blender or food processor until smooth.
2. Wash face and pat dry. Immediately apply a thin layer of honey, then smooth the fruit mixture evenly over the honey.
3. Allow mask to remain in place for at least 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water and gently pat dry.
For Men's
Wash your face, splash with cold water. Men's skins are oilier than women's and have larger pores. That means your face acts as a dirt magnet and keep the dirt there. That clogs the pores and dirt has germs and germs cause trouble. Don't use soap. In fact, not using soap on your face might be a good idea. Deep cleanse your face with a good cleansing lotion, preferably one that does not have an odour. Cleanser helps to remove the daily buildup of toxins, dirt and oils from the surface of the skin and should be free of irritating fragrances and chemicals. Oh and by the way, for those who have oily skins: frequent washing is not the answer. That will only irritate your skin, not help it. Blot the excess oils away. Wiping your face lightly with a tissue paper might help. Powder? Mixed opinions. Some feel it blocks the pores and causes further problems. Others advise one to avoid the shiny look.
For an intensive moisture treatment use pure vitamin E, or aloevera oil. This is available in liquid form, or you could just break open a capsule of vitamin E and apply directly on your face, especially under eye area. Under eye dryness should be avoided for the young look. Never leave you skin wet, cause the air will evaporate your skin's precious moisture.
Both C Davis & Peter sams are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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