You start off with the very best of intentions, a few minutes work and you will soon transform that blank piece of paper or computer screen into an award winning groom's wedding speech. Then reality sinks in, you can't think of a good opening line, you don't know what you are expected to say, where do you draw the line at thanking people, how can you introduce humor without offending anyone, what is the best way to end the speech, etc, etc.
An hour passes and the paper or computer screen is still blank, then thankfully you realize that you have more urgent matters to attend to, such as making a coffee or checking those text messages or emails, again.
Sometime later you begin to realize that the speech isn't going to write itself, and so you repeat the process all over again. Eventually you decide that you need to break the cycle and try a different tactic, such as searching the internet for some sample groom speeches. So that is what you set out to do.
There is no way that you can see yourself giving a speech as poor as this, and this lack of belief and confidence in the speech will affect your delivery. You have a mild panic attack as you visualize your wedding guests shuffling in their seats and muttering unpleasantries about your amateurish attempts at a groom's speech.
After wasting a lot of time to get this far you eventually realize that the old adage of ‘you get what you pay for' may be true after all, and you decide that you want your groom's speech to be better than this. It is the biggest day of your life after all.
You decide to invest in a book written by a professional author and public speaker, this way you can be guaranteed to get quality sample grooms speeches, and also tips on exactly how to personalize the speeches and how to deliver them correctly to gain the maximum impact.
You then realize that you should have done this from the beginning. Instead of wasting all of that time chasing after poor quality speeches you now have a unique speech that suits both your personality and your comfort zone, and the monetary cost investment has been miniscule compared to the time cost in pursuing the cheaper ‘free' way.
This method produces a speech that is so good, and that fits your personality like a glove, that you are confident you can deliver it perfectly. You know that your wedding guests will surely notice, and the bride and new in-laws can't fail to be suitably impressed. A job well done!
Something Old New Borrowed Blue
El Centro is a fast growing community in the southeastern region of California. This area is referred to as the Imperial Valley. Once a desert, it's now irrigated by a number of dams, rivers, and canals to become a rich agricultural area. The valley continues to be one of the most productive farm areas in the country.
An increased demand for housing has resulted in the conversion of much of the farm land to planned housing communities. In fact, there's a huge housing boom in El Centro, in part because El Centro, and the rest of the Imperial Valley, offers some of the last affordable housing in California.
Although there are a number of beautiful new home communities in El Centro, that doesn't mean there aren't just as many great opportunities for older homes in the area. In fact, the city of El Centro has recently begun a redevelopment project for some of the older parts of town.
One of the older neighborhoods in El Centro, known as Colonia, has seen a dramatic turn around because of this redevelopment. In fact, the city of El Centro has applied for a number of federal grants to upgrade and update the neighborhood, as well as investing city monies to improve Colonia.
The city redevelopment has resulted in paved streets, curbs, gutters and street lights being added to Colonia. This area was once one of the more downtrodden parts of El Centro, but it's quickly turning around with the influence of the city's investment. New commercial development is bringing about a bustling shopping district. The Imperial Valley attracts quite a bit of retail traffic, due in part to its close proximity to Mexico, and the new businesses of Colonia are taking advantage of the commerce traffic.
For potential home owners without a lot of money, an opportunity to invest in a community that is turning around can be a once-in-a-lifetime event. With a little time, nurturing and sweat equity, your can watch your investment grow. Best of all, you'll be living in a community that's known for its sense of closeness and family; a place where everyone truly gets to know their neighbor.
It's easy to overlook the older neighborhoods, especially when so many people emphasize ?bigger is better? homes. While a new house can be exciting, there's something about an older home, with its unique charm and quality construction that is appealing. The most important thing is to find a home you love ? but don't overlook the occasional diamond in the rough.
Both Stephen Davies & Jeffrey Nelson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Stephen Davies has sinced written about articles on various topics from Marriage, Sales and Negotiation and Marriage. Click on this link for full details of Sample Groom Speeches - where you can get more information on excellent sample grooms speeches, and grooms spee. Stephen Davies's top article generates over 6600 views. Bookmark Stephen Davies to your Favourites.
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