We live in an age whenadvertisements dictate everything from which brand of toothpaste we should usein the morning to which mattress is the softest to sleep on at night. Filmcritics often complain about bad quality films becoming super hits simply forthe marketing hype created around them. Still, one big problem about marketingis that nobody can guarantee a good return on investment on marketing oradvertising expenses.
You book an advertising spacefor your products in the most popular show on the TV, but will have very fewways to find out if the advertisement is making consumers buy your products.There are some simple rules, which you can follow for cost effective marketingthat will yield positive results as well.
Even the most conservativemarketing analysts will now agree that this is an age of outsourcing. With somany advertising media available, marketing a product is now more complex thanever. Therefore, not only the small business owners, but big corporation housesalso are outsourcing Internet or other marketing to specialist companies. Thebusiness owners or corporations no longer need to recruit entire teamsdedicated to marketing and this way they can save a lot of time and money.
Cover all aspects
It will not do to advertiseyour product or service only on the TV, radio and newspapers. If you want tocapture the market and increase your client base, you must give a lot ofimportance on the Internet marketing also. Taking care of all avenues ofmarketing such as the print and electronic media, email marketing, searchengine optimization etc. will ensure that your product gets as much visibilityas possible.
The aim of all thesemarketing is to make users visit your shop or your website. However, a hightraffic is of little use if there are a few conversions. The leads have to getconverted in order for you to get a good return on investment on your marketingexpenditure. This leads us to an interesting concept of marketing, which isdescribed in the following paragraph.
Pay per performancemarketing
The pay per performancemarketing is becoming a popular choice with many companies or businessmen. Payper performance marketing, as the name suggests, is the concept of paying onlyif the marketing yields positive results. For example, a pay per performancelead generation company will charge you only if it generates quality leads foryour product or service. Also, the lead generators will get paid according thenumber of leads they are able to provide. This system ensures that they willtry their best to provide as many good leads as possible and will not focusonly on providing numerous unqualified leads that will not be of any use toyou.
Keep track of conversions
Youshould also keep a track of your conversions as accurately as possible asagainst the investments that you are making. You can use Google Analytics, afree online application, to keep a track of the visitors to different pages toyour website. There are many other online tools available to help you keep atrack of your online conversions. It is not so easy to find out whichconversions are coming from your off-line marketing such as TV ads. You canresort to consumer surveys to find out how your clients have reached you.Tracking your conversions will help you identify which marketing method isworking and which is not.
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