"We are a nation of laws," exclaimed by numerous politicians who themselves were former lawyers. God forbid if they were defense attorneys before they assumed political office. Each state has a series of penal and vehicle codes that number hundreds if not thousands of pages. And each code specify the type of penalty given to the criminal.
Yet, crime continues to rise as well violent crime, contrary to what government officials boast. What could be the explanation for this malady? Liberal judges slapping light sentences and fines to the convicted in their loose interpretation of the "spirit of the law"? The disintegration of traditional family structure in society? Or, has the American justice system eroded to such a degree that is has become ineffective? The answer partially lies in the former 3 questions.
Moreover, the laws are hardly being enforced, locally, state wide, and nation wide! Crimes from repeat offenders are being dismissed "in the interest of justice" or on slight technicalities in cities and counties. Felons with violent and sophisticated criminal histories who are incarcerated in state prisons are being released early so governors can haphazardly attempt to shave off their budget deficits.
Illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America pour over the border as long as presidential administrations are not bent on sealing our northern and southern borders. In fact, the Mexican military has infiltrated over to American soil about 100 times annually in aiding and abetting human and drug smugglers. They often exchange gunfire against Border Patrol agents. In such firefights, these courageous law enforcement officers are always outnumbered and outgunned. How utterly humiliating for the only supposedly superpower left in this world! Of course, such news is being suppressed by mainstream media.
With such outlawness with the help of government in all levels, what is a law abiding citizen to do? How can an individual protect himself and his loved ones from violent crime? The answer is vigilance, a one-word concept that transforms a person from being a prey to violent crime to being almost immune to it. (Please note that I am using the male pronoun to include the female gender to eliminate redundancy.)
One of the words of wisdom in martial arts states that, "the body follows the mind." The fundamental question one asks himself initially is, "how can I defend myself and my loved ones from violent crime?" To know the question is to first understand the question. Meaning, how does somebody become prey to the criminal element? What makes someone susceptible to being victimized? All of the questions can be researched from books, articles, and the Internet.
Understanding how the criminal mind ticks is the first step in countering his evil deeds. Secondly, how do you foil such threats based on one's ability? Some people resort to martial arts, weaponry, or both. However, these methods are useless without proficiency. Nevertheless, proficiency without the proper mindset in applying the skills against a perpetrator or a group of perpetrators once confronted is again useless and dangerous.
For instance, if you have become skilled in the combative arts such as Krav Maga but are not mentally and psychologically prepared in effectively applying your techniques against a criminal, you have spent a lot of precious time and effort in vain. The same goes for edged and impact weapons, pepper spray, stun gun, Taser, or a firearm. If you are unprepared and unwilling to use any one of these to good effect against a real criminal, your survivability against an attack as compared to being a helpless victim has diminished considerably.
Choosing a martial art can be a daunting task since there are so many styles available to the public nowadays. Pick the ones that suit your build, that complement and enhance your abilities. Furthermore, settle on a COMBATIVE art such as Aikijujutsu, Ninpo or Ninjutsu, Escrima, Kali, Arnis, Penkjat Silat, Muay Thai, Jeet Kune Do, Kung Fu or any of its variations, and Krav Maga.
These types of martial arts contain effective techniques in neutralizing, disarming, crippling, and even killing your opponent or opponents. Additionally, some styles utilize sticks and knives in their training. Aikido, on the other hand, is probably considered the most gentle and graceful of all the arts. Its training actually breaks down the ego of the practitioner. In the hands of an expert however, Aikido is a deceptively effective art in neutralizing an attack. The only downside to this martial art is that it takes more time and effort to proficiently learn the techniques.
Being able to freely choose and carry a weapon or a set of weapons, however, is limited by the laws of your city, county, and state. In the liberal and politically correct state of California, for example, carrying a baton, ASP, or a martial arts stick in public is considered a felony. Similarly, carrying a butterfly knife, dagger, or switch blade carries the same offense.
A Kubotan in your person, on the other hand, is legal in most places. I have written an article about this subtle weapon on "articlemarketer" entitled, "Kubotan: Diminutive and Subtle But Packs a Punch." Heaven forbid if you are caught hiding a gun in the Golden State unless you are a peace officer or have a concealed weapon permit. If you are fortunate enough to live in a state where you can pretty much legally carry any kind of weapon, you have multiplied your defense capability immensely.
Criminals in their twisted perception are not bound by rules or restrictions in carrying any weapon or weapons of their choosing. So, why should you in defending yourself? Equal or superior application of force is necessary to protect you and your family. The application of mini-batons, sticks, and knives are properly taught in Escrima, Arnis, Kali, Silat, JKD, and Krav Maga. In summary, the techniques are amazingly crippling and deadly. Gun retention and take-away are taught in Krav Maga. To be well rounded, your arsenal of weaponry must include proficiency in COMBAT shooting, not TARGET shooting. So many bad guys nowadays are using guns to commit their crimes, let alone ganging up to increase their odds of success.
Mastering the combative arts makes you more aware and perceptive of the environment around you. More so, they instill upon you the vigilant mind-set.
Carlton Straeker has sinced written about articles on various topics from Martial Arts, Home Security and Martial Arts. A conservative American with a background in law enforcement and martial arts. An array of self-defense devices are available at Striker701 Group at. Carlton Straeker's top article generates over 14800 views. Bookmark Carlton Straeker to your Favourites.
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