Vitamin C can be taken in a pill form and is water-soluble. This is needed for you to maintain a healthy life. You get Vitamin C from various foods and drinks, but you can also get it from the sun's UV rays. Too much can discolor your skin, but vitamin c can be taken to help the body maintain itself from the daily grind.
The level of vitamin c needed for your body to function normally depends. You cannot have too much and you cannot have too little. If you have a vitamin c deficiency, you will end up getting scurvy. This can led you to have such illness and people have died from scurvy. Vitamin C is needed for your organs to work normally and if you do not have enough, your organs can shut down. Even through the American government claims that this vitamin is the least likely to harm someone, you can overdose. You should not have more than 2,000 mg a day.
This does seem like a lot, however, many of the foods that you eat have vitamin C. If you consume goods with the vitamin in it on a daily basis you shouldn't need to take a supplement, however, thousands of people take a multi-vitamin and vitamin c is just one of many that are combined into the one supplement.
Vitamin c has been known to help with the common cold, to prevent scurvy, and other diseases like polio. Over the years, it has been found that it will also help prevent certain cancers. That is why when you purchase orange juice; the carton has the American Cancer Association sign. It also has been theorized that it can help prevent things like lead poison. It is because it takes all the impurities out of the body and replaces the impurities with vitamin c
It can cause you to have diarrhea if you take it in large quantities or for people who have serious illnesses like cancer or AIDS. You may also find that your stomach will become upset. It will cause you to have acid reflux. To avoid this, you should always take it with some food or an antacid like baking soda or Tums.
As for the chance of overdosing, you have a fifty percent chance of that ever happening. You will have to take more than 833,000 mg of vitamin c to overdose and have death as a result. You would need to have it injected into your body; because there is no way that you can get that amount so quickly into the body by pill form. Those who take the vitamin should still stick with the daily value or otherwise advised by a doctor.
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