A skin tag, also known as an achrochordon, is a benign growth of skin that is connected to the body by a short stalk. Skin tags are found most commonly on the armpits, neck, and groin. Skin tags are small, soft, flesh-colored growths that protrude from your skin. They are generally harmless. Skin tags are also commonly found on the eyelids and around the eye. Skin tags usually appear on people as they age. They are actually quite common in people over 60, more common in women than in men. They are skin coloured or darker and range in size from 1mm to 5cm. They are most often found in the skin folds (neck, armpits, groin). They tend to be more numerous in obese persons and in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus. They are most commonly found in wrinkled skin or fold areas of the body such as the armpits, sides of the neck and in the groin area.
Skin tag removal using such modern techniques do have their fair share of negative side effects too. Let's take, for instance, using cyrotherapy to remove skin tags. It is known that freezing of the skin tags could affect the surrounding skin causing dsychromic lesions/wounds. Other removal methods such as excision, etc can bring considerable pain, and discomfort, and possible scarring.
Recurrence of skin tags is a likely scenario. Most modern skin tag removal methods are unable to prevent that. These treatment processes often can take days to months before you can see the results.
Causes :
It is not know what causes skin tags. However, the following factors may play a role:
Chaffing and irritation from skin rubbing together, High levels of growth factors, particularly during pregnancy or in acrogmegaly (gigantism), Insulin resistance (syndrome X), Human papilloma virus (wart virus) Skin tags are common tumors found in approximately 25% of males and females. They occur more often and in greater number in obese patients. The most frequent affected area is the axilla (48%), followed by the neck (35%) and inguinal region. The majority of carriers (71%) have no more than three skin tags per location. They can begin in the second decade, with a steady increase in frequency up to the fifth decade; above this age there is no further growth. The skin tags begin as a tiny, brown or skin-colored, oval excrescence attached by a short, broad-to-narrow stalk.
The only symptom is a growth on the skin. The growth (tag) is usually small, although some may be up to a half-inch long.Other characteristics are as follows: Located on the neck, armpits, trunk, body folds, or other areas, May have a narrow stalk, Usually skin-colored, occasionally darker.
Skin tags are extremely common. They occur more often as you get older, and they vary in size from less than a millimetre up to around a centimetre. Rest assured they are and harmless and do not progress to anything more serious.
Skin tags do have a preference for developing in warm moist areas such as armpits, groins, under the breasts and around the neck. They tend to become larger and more numerous with time but are simple to remove either with scissors or with cryotherapy (freezing them off). Your GP may be able to do this for you, if they are troublesome.
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