Acne can be prevented and controlled with the proper help
What causes zits is the question asked by many young people who suffer from zits and not just adolescents - many adults suffer the problem. Normally zits are caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium. This gets trapped in clogged skin pores (or hair follicles) more often on the face but can also be on other parts of the body. The bacteria produces enzymes which it uses to break down the sebum (the oil produced by the body's sebaceous glands) and in this process it blocks / clogs up the skin pore. The enzymes show as inflammation/redness in the affected area and are generally know by young people as zits.
The inflammation shows up as zits and is known as superficial acne. If the inflammation is deeper within the skin and pores resulting in cysts (large red lumps) it is known as cystic acne.
So typical zits are the result of an imbalance in the glandular production of the sebaceous gland that secretes directly onto the skin.
There are many forms of zits which explain why it is so difficult to treat acne. Essentially, zits are a result of blocked skin pores. Zits are not caused by stress, as you may have thought, but are more likely to be attributed to poor diet and lack of exercise and fresh air.
The excess oil / sebum is actually a by-product of testosterone production in the body of adolescent boys going through puberty; in women, the hormonal changes occurring before the menstrual cycle may also cause sporadic outbreaks of zits.
Another cause of zits has been traced to diets and the lack of essential fatty acids. The body needs a specific quantity of essential fatty acids to remain in balance and the everyday Western diet does not provide a sufficient amount for most young people, whereas trans-fats and other nonessential fats are found in large quantities and it is this imbalance in the fat ratio that tips the scale in favor of excess production of sebum, leading to outbreaks of zits.
Certain chemicals & drugs may also be factors in the appearance of zits. Any drug that has added hormones or that changes the hormonal balance of the body is a possible cause.
Overall good health is essential to be zit free and this includes a healthy diet, gentle but effective skin care and decreased exposure to chemicals and drugs which may affect the natural hormone levels of the body.
On the other hand, adult acne may be caused by hormonal imbalances, pollution, medications or stress to name just a few. Studies have shown a direct correlation between hormonal imbalances and outbreaks of zits in women ranging in age from 30 to 40 years.
Other forms of acne zits include:
-Cosmetic Acne - caused by the active ingredients in the cosmetic being used.
-Acne Conglobata - usually due to hereditary factors.
-Acne Detergens - the use of soaps and cleaners that cause an irritating effect to the skin.
-Acne Excoriee - brought about by the constant picking of the zits on the face and body.
-Acne Mallorca - caused by exposure to sunlight.
-Acne Mechanica - caused by materials & fabrics
-Acne Neonatorum affects infants and is transferred by way of hormones from mother to child
-Acne Pomade - caused by the use of oils found in hair care products.
-Acne Fulminans, Acne Keloidalis and Acne Medicametosa are other forms of acne
Zits can generally be prevented / reduced by simple measures: ensure you eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water and/or fruit juices. Ensure your face is cleansed at least twice a day, removing the excess oil and dead skin cells to ensure the skin pores do not become blocked and hence infected. Avoid touching your face as you hands harbor bacteria and transferring it to your face will simply increase the chances for infection.
What Causes The Seasons
People everywhere are in full panic when they look into their mirrors and they see that first fine line or that first really noticeable wrinkle and yet they are still so young. Why is this happening? What are the causes for such traumatic skin ailments? Well, in this article I want to tell you a little bit more about some of the causes for wrinkles and why it is so important to get it under control sooner, rather than later. If you wait too long to start trying to fight the aging process, you might as well just hang it up because other than maybe eliminating some of the fine lines, you will probably just be very let down by not getting the type of results that you are hoping for, which none of us want to have to deal with.
It can be so very depressing to wake up and look into that mirror and see someone much older staring back but the fact that you do have many different options to try and prevent and remove wrinkles is so encouraging and you should really be thankful that all of these types of products are being marketed and sold faster than they can put them on the shelves. It is such a wonderful thing when you actually spend money on something and you get the results that you were promised, that is what we all want anyway right. It is time for you to find out exactly what might be causing you to get so many wrinkles, so that you can begin fighting against them and doing something to remove most of them and to prevent so many of them from coming back, worse than ever. When we start to get a little older the elasticity in our skin starts to lessen, which is the why are skin starts to show signs of wrinkles. The protein in our skin becomes very damaged thanks to air pollution, drinking, smoking, not taking preventative measures and several other factors also play a part in aging before your time.
It is important to learn all that there is to know about this type of stuff so that you can begin trying to do something more about it, so that you do not turn into a pile of wrinkles when you are in your thirties, that is way before it should ever occur. Different types of creams and moisturizers can help in replenishing your skin and preventing wrinkles from popping up each and every time that you look into the mirror. If you can try your hardest to take better care of your skin now, you will be very pleased by the results later on in life and others will definitely notice the difference, which is always a good ego booster. Talk to your family members or close friends about how they fight the aging process, sometimes other people can provide you with the information that you are searching for, regarding wrinkles, and which types of skin care products are the best.
Sun Exposure
You should be wearing sunscreen every day when outside, even if it's a low number that's simply combined with foundation to give a minimum amount of protection.
Typically, your skin can handle about 20 to 30 minutes of sun exposure each day. Any more exposure to the sun than this can cause serious damage from the sun's ultraviolet rays. The UVA and the UVB sun rays can break down the skin's critical collagen and even form free radicals, both of which will cause wrinkles.
Stress and Wrinkles
Stress is a major cause of fatigue, grey hair and yes, wrinkles. When it's stressed, the body is run down and weak. That weakness leads to more rapid cell degradation and slower regeneration. That combination means you're more likely to develop wrinkles as your skin cells deplete.
Stress can also cause facial wrinkles due to the repeated facial expressions associated with it. Whether it's a furrowed brow or a pronounced frown line, these can all lead to noticeable creases in the skin's surface.
Smoking Your Skin Cells Away
Smoking has the next most devastating impact to your skin after the sun, and while we can't always avoid the sun, we can definitely choose not to smoke.
Essentially, smoking alters the collagen in the skin, drying it out and preventing oxygen and nutrients from reaching the cells. Instead of your skin radiating a healthy, rosy glow, it will start to emit a yellowish-grey tone along with lip wrinkles caused by pursing your lips over the end of a cigarette.
Dehydrated skin is aged skin. So, keep your body and your skin young and healthy by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. That water will not only flush out skin-damaging toxins, but it will also expediate your skin's cell renewal process.
Both Nathalie Fiset & austenjo are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Nathalie Fiset has sinced written about articles on various topics from Acne Treatment, Pearls and Types of Cancer. For more information now go to: Nathalie Fiset's top article generates over 8100 views. Bookmark Nathalie Fiset to your Favourites.
austenjo has sinced written about articles on various topics from Wrinkles, Skin Care and Wrinkles. Austenjo is an expert in the wrinkles and anti- aging skin care care industry.He can can be reached at austenjo's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark austenjo to your Favourites.
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