Incest is not just a class of pedophilia, which is considered as a personality disorder. It makes an important role in an individual’s development. Family is defined as a process of dividing materialistic and genetic treasure.
Genetic elements are handed down through sexual actions. Material good like house and inheritance are passed from one generation to the next. Material inheritance can be increase by marrying other families. Incest prevents genetic pooling and material inheritance increases more.
It is the society make incest to become disruptive because incest itself does not isolate a family from sexual or judgment context. Incest should never hinder learning, socialization, and material resources allocation. This means that younger generation can most likely adopt incest culture replicating the incest account of his or her parent.
One of the family’s roles is to teach young members to share everything, control, self regulate, and healthily adopt in the environment. It is the family that legitimately chandelles, expresses and externalizes.
Sex expresses physical and emotional power. The family member’s who are involved in incest usually surrender the power and makes the family member confuse, which weakens them.