When you begin to paint, your canvas and colors ready to work, you begin to think of what would inspire you to keep working on it for hours. Though you may try landscapes or portraits, you have to be sure that it is the subject that you want to work on till the end. Here, you can begin envisioning how you want your painting to come about and the message you want to express in every stroke of the brush.
A subject could be anything, from mere swishes and swashes of the brush to intricate images of people walking along the town square, depending on what inspires you to paint. There are millions of things around you that could be a good subject and it is how you paint it, how you express it in your own silent words, which make it really yours. Religion, nature, humanity, nudity, any of these topics could be your subject of interest.
When we talk of technique, there are thousands of art skills and techniques that you could try and test to see which ones suit your style. Art schools teach aspiring Da Vincis and Picassos the basic and modern painting techniques that continue to develop since the early paintings of the cavemen. It is a free art, but it becomes messy if the painter has no idea or skill on how to paint and create a good picture.
Once you learn basic skills and concepts in painting, then you will begin to see the progress with your art. A good painting should be aesthetically presentable, understood, and invokes emotion within the heart. We stop at every painting we see in museums, thinking they are nice, beautiful, and exquisitely done, without ever really looking into the painting and understanding what it is trying to say. Is it only beautiful because it hangs on the wall of famous museums and art exhibits?
No, we admire the painting because the image presented carries a message and an emotion that we too feel within ourselves. We are looking at what the artist sees with his eyes, what he imagines to be made known to the public, just as any author, photographer, or composer would do with his or her own art form.
So never feel limited when you want to paint and feel that you have to paint everything exactly as how you literally see it. When painting landscapes for example, you can always add a twist to a boring scene in front of you, expressing a different message than how most people would normally understand it. Let your imaginations run wild, be open to new techniques yet never forget the basics, and lay your emotions and perceptions of the anything that matters to you, on canvas.
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