It may seem like drilling a hole is easy considering all the fancy machinery on the market today, but whether you are using plastic drill bits, wood boring drill bits, metal drill bits or carbon graphite drill bits there is a certain way to go about it. Drilling holes can be easy as long as you know the proper steps. If you go wrong, however, the results could be far worse than a failed project and a damaged drill bit. Since drill bits require the utmost safety it is important to know the basics before ever using any of these high powered tools.
Using wood boring drill bits or metal drill bits will always require a few basic steps to ensure safety and success. You will need to start with a high quality drill, the correct drill bits, and a pencil to mark the area in the case of wood or a center punch and a hammer for metal. It is essential that you mark the area you are going to drill rather than trying to wing it since this will only result in mistakes.
It is also important to drill a pilot hole into the material with a drill bit before really getting in there. Once the pilot hole is done then you can start drilling a bigger hole with a longer drill bit until you are finished and ready to move on to the next one. And regardless of what type of drilling project you are getting into, always remember to have water as a lubricant because of the extensive heat that drilling can generate. This helps with removing the burrs which come out of the drilling process as well. For plastic drill bits or carbon graphite drill bits, however, there may be some more specialized procedures to follow.
Most importantly, always make sure that you wear safety glasses and gloves before you start drilling the hole. Your life and limbs may depend on it.