If you are an Internet marketer then you probably release how time consuming and difficult it can be to build and maintain your websites. Some marketers will hire a programmer for their sites while others may choose to purchase a web building software package such as Dreamweaver, FrontPage, or XSitePro. When deciding on a software package it is important that it is optimized for Internet marketers, is easy to use, and allows you to create a professional looking site that is SEO friendly. This article will examine the XSitePro website building software for use by Internet marketers.
The XSitePro software package is said to be less expensive alternative to Dreamweaver and FrontPage and was specifically designed with the Internet marketer in mind. If you use AdSense for extra income then XSitePro claims that it can automatically insert AdSense code anywhere you want on your page for setting to match size and format. The software also has an affiliate code library, a redirect code library, and a code snippets library and after the libraries are set up, you can insert the code by simply right clicking on the spot you wish it to appear. While these features are very helpful and easy to use, you may be wondering just how user friendly the software really is.
XSitePro claims that the software is very easy to use with no html knowledge required but I found that at least a basic understanding of html is required if you plan on inserting code into the libraries. After that, things do appear to be quite simple. You can add e-books, files, and graphics and insert them anywhere on your site with the click of a mouse. The software also allows you to link to other pages on your site without having to type in a complicated URL address and if you want to link to other websites, you can simply enter the address in the affiliate links library. Uploading your site to your server is also easy because once you have set up your ftp settings, it is all done automatically in the background. I would have to agree that XSitePro is easy to use but does the resulting site look professional?
When you first start a new website with XSitePro, you are offered an option for a blank page or two different included templates to base your site on. Once a template is selected you can choose a theme from a list included with the software, a theme you built yourself, or one that you downloaded. There are numerous sites online that specialize in XSitePro themes that you can purchase or download for free. Unfortunately, all themes must be built around one of the two templates available with XSitePro but if you choose your theme wisely, you can create any type of website you like and make it look very professional. The software uses a What You See Is What You Get interface so you can format text style, size, position, and color plus XSitePro offers a 130,000 word dictionary. Overall, if you are willing to invest some planning and time you can make an XSitePro website look very professional and the software will also help with SEO.
As any Internet marketer should realize, Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is imperative to making money online and many have struggled to get their site to the top of the search engines. XSitePro is said to have built in SEO optimization included on each and every page. You can set a list of keywords for each page and the SEO option will check the site, page title, page description, and content for keyword density and checks headings, text links, and alt text for graphics for keyword density as well. After doing the check, XSitePro will display warnings for anything that it finds wrong so you can correct the problem. While this is a very important feature for keeping your site optimized for SEO, it appears that there is a bug in the section about your keyword in the header as the software sometimes displays a warning even when your header does contain the keyword but an easy fix is to move the keyword included in the header to the top of the keyword list.
After having the opportunity to test this software, I would have to say in conclusion that XSitePro does live up to many of its claims and while I found a few buggy spots in the software, it does appear to be optimized for Internet marketers in mind. If you are just building a website for fun then there are many less expensive alternatives available but if you are an affiliate marketer using many affiliate text links or graphics or if you are creating websites for AdSense revenue then this software may benefit you.
Rick Churchill has sinced written about articles on various topics from Data Recovery, Work From Home and Data Recovery. If you would like to see an example of a website built using XSitePro then you can click here. To get more information about the software you can go to. Rick Churchill's top article generates over 33100 views. Bookmark Rick Churchill to your Favourites.
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