Decorative papers are a great way to wrap any gift. They give your package a unique and thoughtful image. You can use decorative stamps to create your own unique papers. A great paper to make is a baby footprint stamp paper. This is great for baby shower gifts, toddler gifts, even Christening gifts. It is easy to do, and fun as you will see.
There are a few different ways you can make your own stamped wrapping paper. You can buy rolls of white paper at the office supply or craft store. You can also get creative and environmental and reuse some things you already have around. Paper grocery bags are great for some things. If your gift is smaller you can also use small paper lunch bags.
Next is thinking about which stamp you will use. You can make a simple potato stamp by lightly dipping your baby's foot in baby footprint ink and then placing it either on paper or directly on the potato. If you put the footprint on paper you will then have to put the paper on the potato to cut out the stamp. You will then carve away the outside of the footprint on the potato to make the stamp.
You can also get buy any number of baby footprint stamps at the scrapbooking store. These stamps come in so many different arrangements, from one foot, to two feet, large, small, just about anything you can think of you can get.
Once you choose the stamp you are going to use, you need to decide the color scheme for you paper. You can choose any color scheme you like. The sky is the limit. Color options have only gotten bigger and bigger since scrapbooking has gotten more popular.
You can add the footprints to the paper in a pattern or use a more abstract layout. You may want to add some interest in the background, or some added color splash. You can do this by adding curley ques, spirals, or stars to the background. You can use pens, markers or even sparkle markers for this. Just remember a little sparkle goes a long way.
It is a fun and crafty idea to put together some of your own wrapping paper. Your gifts will stand out as original and the effort you put in will be much appreciated. You will probably find people who have never saved wrapping paper in their lives saving yours
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