The most popular style of our time is the 'free verse' style. This form originated in the late 19th century, with Walt Whitman being credited for it. Before this form was introduced, poetry was restricted to certain form.
Patterns are common to formal poetry. Scansion is the analyzing of rhyme and meter. A letter is commonly places at the end of each line beginning with the first letter of the alphabet A for the first rhyme, and B for the second, etc.
For example if the first two line rhyme with each other, their letters would be AA. If the second set of lines rhyme with each other the rhyme pattern would be AABB. If the fifth line doesn't rhyme a C would be introduced and so on.
The number of beats in each line is called the meter. "Iambic pentameter" is the most commonly used. Words with this type of beat consist of a short pulse followed by a strong pulse. Examples would be arrest, domain, forsooth, etc. The accent is on the second syllable.
Time for the fun stuff! When you tell stories or write letters, how do you start? Is it maybe something you overheard, or read about? Or maybe something you witnessed? Start with something that is comfortable to you.
What type of poem did you have in mind? A Story? A comment? Or could it be a character study? Go through some examples to help get you started off on the right foot. It is common to get what is called "writer's block". If this happens, take a break, or come back to it the next day. If your out and something comes to you, jot it down.
It may take many weeks or months to get your poem finished. If your having trouble, take a break. When you come back, carry on from the last line in your poem. You will be delighted at what comes out.
Your Own Virtual Horse
Cocktails made of a combination of fruits are often served as the first course of a meal, usually a luncheon or a dinner, to precede the soup course. In warm weather, they are an excellent substitute for heavy cocktails made of lobster or crab, and they may even be used to replace the soup course. The fruits used for this purpose should be the more acid ones, for the acids and flavors are intended to serve as an appetizer, or the same purpose for which the hot and highly seasoned soups are taken. Fruit cocktails should always be served ice cold.
Grapefruit cocktail. The cocktail here explained may be served in stemmed glasses or in the shells of the grapefruit. If the fruit shells are to be used, the grapefruit should be cut into two parts, half way between the blossom and the stem ends, the fruit removed, and the edges of the shell then notched. This plan of serving a cocktail should be adopted only when small grapefruits are used, for if the shells are large more fruit will have to be used than is agreeable for a cocktail.
2 grapefruits 2 oranges 1 c. diced pineapple, fresh or canned Powdered sugar
Remove the pulp from the grapefruits and oranges. However, if the grapefruit shells are to be used for serving the cocktail, the grapefruit should be cut in half and the pulp then taken out of the skin with a sharp knife. With the sections of pulp removed, cut each one into several pieces. Add the diced pineapple to the other fruits, mix together well and set on ice until thoroughly chilled. Put in cocktail glasses or grapefruit shells, pour a spoonful or two of orange juice over each serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar, garnish with a cherry, and serve ice cold.
As strawberries and pineapples can be obtained fresh at the same time during the summer, they are often used together in a cocktail. When sweetened slightly with powdered sugar and allowed to become ice cold, these fruits make a delicious combination.
2 c. diced fresh pineapple 2 c. sliced strawberries Powdered sugar
Prepare a fresh pineapple, and cut each slice into small pieces or dice. Wash and hull the strawberries and slice them into small slices. Mix the two fruits and sprinkle them with powdered sugar. Place in cocktail glasses and allow to stand on ice a short time before serving.
A fruit cocktail proper is made by combining a number of different kinds of fruit, such as bananas, pineapple, oranges, and maraschino cherries. Such a cocktail is served in a stemmed glass set on a small plate. Nothing more delicious than this can be prepared for the first course of a dinner or a luncheon that is to be served daintily. Its advantage is that it can be made at almost any season of the year with these particular fruits.
2 bananas 1 c. canned pineapple 2 oranges 1 doz. maraschino cherries Lemon juice Powdered sugar
Peel the bananas and dice them. Dice the pineapple. Remove the pulp from the oranges in the manner, and cut each section into several pieces. Mix these three fruits. Cut the cherries in half and add to the mixture. Set on ice until thoroughly chilled. To serve, put into cocktail glasses and add to each glass 1 tablespoonful of maraschino juice from the cherries and 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.
Both Carrie Hull & Joann Cheong are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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