If Networking Is So Hot.... If Networking Is So Hot, Why Aren't I Rich? How to make today's NEW streamlined 'networking' work! By Linda Blew Carlson Before we start, please note that in this article 'MLM' and 'Networking' are i...... Similar Editorial : Networking 101 by Sue and Chuck DeFiore. | Source : Affiliate Marketing Plan
Scary Movie Trivia Questions And Answers 1. If you are a teenager living on Elm Street what should you never do?A. Go to sleepB. Play with dollsC. Go to the promD. Have sexA. Go to sleepTOPICS: We all know from "Nightmare on Elm Street" that your dreams can get you killed by Freddy Krueger. Writt... Similar Editorial : VOIP QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by Raymond Klesc. | Source : New Movie Trailers
Things Every Golfer Should Know. Golf is having a hard time naming those clubs that used to be made of wood--they're called fairway-metals, fairway metal-woods, just plain woods, or, the most ridiculous, "iron-wood." So Guru, make history, coin a name to take the sport by storm. Russ Barker, Fort Erie, Ontario How many golfe... Similar Editorial : Getting Things Done by Ronnie Nijmeh. | Source : Cure Golf Slice
Hemorrhoids Cure - 12 Effective Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids Read this Article to know the simple and effective Home Remedies for HemorrhoidsWhat are HemorrhoidsHemorrhoids (Piles) are masses of widen veins on the wall of the rectum and in the tissues at the opening of the anus. They are varicose (swollen or dilated) veins located inside the anus (internal hemorrhoids) or around the outer surface of anus (external hemorrhoids. Bleeding from internal...... Similar Editorial : Some Facts About Hemorrhoids by teahupoo. | Source : Constipation In Children
Herbal And Ayurvedic Treatment For Diarrhea When there is a problem with the digestive system, then the stools may be voided in extremely watery form. This indicates the presence of water in the stools, which leads to dehydration. This condition is known as diarrhea. In Ayurveda, diarrhea is known as Atisara. Vitiation in any of the three doshas can cause atisara. However, the vitiation of vata dosha is particularly responsible as it brings...... Similar Editorial : Ayurvedic Treatments For Arthritis by Rayaz Siddiqi. | Source : Palmer College Of Chiropractic
Herbal And Ayurvedic Treatment Of Hiccups Hiccoughs or hiccups are caused when the chest cavity gets suddenly contracted due to the irritation of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscular partition that divides the chest and the abdomen. Its contraction leads to the sound box (larynx) to shut temporarily, producing the characteristic hic sound of the hiccough.In Ayurveda, there are five types of hiccoughs. They are all classified under...... Similar Editorial : Chinese Herbal Treatment Tips by Juliet Cohen. | Source : Palmer College Of Chiropractic
Arthritis Cure - Herbs & Ayurvedic Remedies For Arthritis What is Arthritis?Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. It can occur anywhere in the body and, based on that, there are several types of arthritis. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis which is the common ailment of pain in the joints observed in elderly people. Other common types of arthritic ailments are rheumatoid arthritis and gout.The word arthritis is derived from two root...... Similar Editorial : The Cure by Gerald Armstrong. | Source : Arthritis Management
Acidity – Herbal Cure, Ayurvedic Remedy, & Other Treatments What is Acidity?The human stomach contains gastric glands which are responsible for the proper digestion of food in it. Gastric glands achieve the digestion by secreting various acids, the chief of which is the hydrochloric acid. These acids are aided by various enzymes of the stomach in bringing about digestion. The level of acids in the human stomach is generally controlled; but for some reason...... Source : Chiropractic Practice
Anemia Treatment - Herbs And Ayurvedic Remedies, Anemia Cure Anemia is a condition in which the blood is deficient in the body. This deficiency of blood is caused due to the deficiency of iron which is an essential component of the protein complex, hemoglobin, present in the blood.Anemia is caused as Pandu roga in Ayurveda. It is linked with the paachaka sub-dosha of the pitta. Paachaka is responsible for the proper assimilation of the digested food. If...... Similar Editorial : Anemia Treatment and Prevention by Juliet Cohen. | Source : Chiropractic Practice
Jaundice Treatment With Ayurvedic And Home Remedies Jaundice is a disease caused due to vitiation of the pitta dosha. It is called as kamala. When there is an excessive circulation of the bile pigments in the blood, then this disease is caused. Pitta dosha controls the bile pigments.Hence, jaundice is a disease of the liver. It can occur when there is an obstruction in the bile duct, or if there is destruction of the red blood corpuscles. When a...... Similar Editorial : Home Remedies For Flu by kevinp. | Source : Chiropractic San Diego
Voice Creation With Music Morpher Gold In Part 1, we discussed how to prepare yourself for creating an audio file for a video or an audio presentation with character voices. In Part 2, we will complete this discussion.For this second recording method, you need to read each characters lines one after the other, in other words, read all of Tom's lines first, then Dick's lines, then Harry's. That way you can apply each voice's...... Similar Editorial : Morph and Morpher by Kevin Nguyen. | Source : Lg Computer Monitor
Sleep Your Way To A Longer, Healthier Life Let's face it, everyone needs and deserves a good night's sleep. Sleeping well at night not only helps the individual face the day in a cheerier manner but it also makes for a more productive individual during the day. In addition to these reasons, sleeping can also increase one's chances of living a longer and healthier life.- Ways Sleep Promotes Long, Healthy LivesSome may be a bit unsure about...... Similar Editorial : Longer Sex by . | Source : Women’s Health Care
Brainwaves, Binaural Beats And Your Health Did you know you can improve your health without drugs by putting on a set of headphones? Would you believe that putting on those headphones and listening to certain sounds could also improve your mental health such as eliminating anger and stress?It sounds amazing and it is. How does it work? You listen to tones which produce binaural beats in your brain which alters your brainwaves and thereby...... Source : Pediatric Health Care
Acne Cure - Herbs And Ayurvedic Remedies And Other Treatments Acne is a very common skin ailment found mostly in the period of puberty. It is more common in women than in men. Acne is characterized by the presence of eruptions on the skin, which are commonly known as zits or pimples.Acne is a sign of the impurity within the body. The impurity could be in the blood, which manifests itself externally as acne. If the blood is impure, then the sebaceous (sweat)...... Similar Editorial : Cure Arthritis by Patricia R. Moynihan. | Source : Acne Adult Cause
Protecting Yourself From Identity Theft If you're young or you're old, protecting your identity is very important. If you don't already know, if someone steals your identity, they can cause serious damage to your credit report without you knowing. While you're not responsible for actions thieves make, it can take hundreds of hours just to patch everything up. This is why it's extremely important that you prevent this from happening...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : What Is Identity Theft
Ayurvedic Treatment In Kerala 7.Sudden jerking movements of the body, especially the neck and the chest, help in reducing the hiccoughs. This includes pulling the head back or forth vigorously, jumping, swaying to and fro, etc. Lying on the back for a while can also provide relief... Similar Editorial : Adhd Treatment In Adults by Aliza Adar Levine. | Source : Ayurveda Treatment