Editorials » Medical » Bowel Problems

Hemorrhoids Infomation & Treatments Guide
by Subhash Kandpal.Hemorrhoids also spell as hemroids refer to as piles. Hemorrhoids can define as swollen blood vessels in and around the anus that cause itching, pain, and sometimes bleeding. Swelling of rectum veins is the main characteristic of hemorrhoid.Hemorrhoi...
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Hemorrhoids Cure - 12 Effective Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids
by Tom alter.Read this Article to know the simple and effective Home Remedies for HemorrhoidsWhat are HemorrhoidsHemorrhoids (Piles) are masses of widen veins on the wall of the rectum and in the tissues at the opening of the anus. They are varicose (swollen or d...
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Can Over the Counter Hemorrhoids Treatment Work?
by Sandy Rowde.Hemorrhoids are something that should be given attention at and be treated right away to prevent prolonged pain and discomfort. There are different ways to treat hemorrhoids, depending on the grade or degree of the hemorrhoids. Some people prefer t...
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Hemorrhoids - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options
by Knut Holt.By hemorrhoids the veins in or around the anus, or in the lower rectum are swollen and often also inflamed. Hemorrhoids inside the rectum are called internal hemorrhoids, and those in the anal area external ones. Studies have shown that 1 out of 3 pe...
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Hemorrhoids Symptoms and Causes
Topic : Symptoms of Hemorrhoids & Causes of Hemorrhoids
by ajay.Hemorrhoids are the most common disease in developed countries like United States. Not many of us would like to talk on Hemorrhoids and few would seek help to treat this painful condition. This is because of the inadequate and occasional information ...
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Hemorrhoids Treatment
by ajay.Hemorrhoids are enlarged, abnormal growth of veins in the rectum. Hemorrhoids develop in the 2 sets of veins that are responsible for circulating blood in lower rectum and anus. Internal Hemorrhoids -The internal veins swell to become internal hemorr...
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What are the Signs of Hemorrhoids
by Sandy Rowde.The following are some of the signs or symptoms of hemorrhoids:1. The number one sign of hemorrhoids is bleeding. Unlikely bleeding of the anus is something that can be presumed as a sign of hemorrhoids. Bleeding from the rectum usually get into n...
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Home Remedies for Hemorrhoid Relief
by Juliet Cohen.Hemorrhoids are one of the most common ailments known in both men and women. Hemorrhoids are common. In the USA, the prevalence is about 4.4%. Hemorrhoids are enlarged, painful veins in your rectum. Hemorrhoids develop from 2 different places. There ...
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Know About Hemorrhoids
by Juliet Cohen.Hemorrhoids are either inside the anus (internal) or under the skin around the anus. Hemorrhoids may result from straining to move stool. Hemorrhoids are common. In the USA, the prevalence is about 4.4%. It is estimated that approximately one half of...
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What are External Hemorrhoids Treatment
by Sandy Rowde.Hemorrhoids have two types: the internal and the external hemorrhoids. Unlike internal hemorrhoids that have grown inside the anal canal, external hemorrhoids occur outside of the anal verge. This sac-like protrusion found outside the anus is often...
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Finding a Cure for Hemorrhoids
by Sandy Rowde.Hemorrhoids can be cured in various ways. With the advent of new technologies and state-of-the-art medical equipment, a thing such as hemorrhoids can be subjected right away to proper medical treatment. Finding centers to cure hemorrhoids are also ...
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Top 7 Tips to Treat and Prevent Hemorrhoids
by Raymond Lee.Lots of things such as bills, bosses, parking tickets are a pain in the butt. But having a hemorrhoid is really just a varicose vein that sprouts where the sun don't shine. Are you likely to get them? Well, people who have chronic constipation or who...
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Looking for Hemorrhoids Relief
by Sandy Rowde.With the discomfort and pain brought by hemorrhoids, it is no wonder that many people having it are painstakingly searching for relief from hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum caused by too much pressure. Simply it is called a ...
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Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment
by Sandy Rowde.There are two types of hemorrhoids - the internal hemorrhoids and the external hemorrhoids. The only difference between the two kinds of hemorrhoids is it placement in the anus area. Internal hemorrhoids are located inside the anal canal, while ext...
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Hemorrhoids Remedy
by Sandy Rowde.It is with no doubt that hemorrhoid truly entail embarrassment and humiliation to the one having it. It is unimaginable that unexpected bleeding from the behind can actually occur to someone who has hemorrhoids (let the case of menstruation among wo...
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Hemorrhoids : Causes and Prevention
by vikas bhalla.What is Hemorrhoids?The hemorrhoids refers to a stage in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen and inflamed.Hemorrhoids may result from straining to move stool. Other factors include pregnancy, aging, chronic constipation or dia...
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Quick Relief From Hemorrhoids
by Janet Martin.Elizabeth Taylor had them. So did Alfred the Great and German philosopher Karl Marx. Indeed, hemorrhoids are so common they've been with mankind for centuries. No one, it seems, is spared from the pain and discomfort they bring. The problem of hemorr...
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Easy Ways to Stop Hemorrhoids
by Janet Martin.They affect the rich and the poor, the powerful and the lowly, the young and the elderly. Even kids may have them and Americans alone spend over $150 million yearly trying to get rid of them. They're hemorrhoids and you could be their next victim!"Jo...
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Dont Ignore Hemorrhoids
by Janet Martin.It's something most people would rather not talk about. But try as we might, it's one problem that cannot be ignored. They're hemorrhoids and approximately five percent of the population has them, according to medical experts. For most people, having...
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Beware of Fake Hemorrhoids Creams
by Janet Martin.Suffering from hemorrhoids? If you think those herbal hemorrhoid creams and lotions will end your misery, forget it!Health authorities said most of these products are useless and some may actually make your problem worse. Questionable ingredients inc...
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Do Hemorrhoid Creams Work?
by Sharon Bell.If you have hemorrhoids, you may be tempted to try products that claim they can make this annoying and painful condition vanish like magic. However, most of them are a waste of money. None of these products can actually shrink hemorrhoids or make the...
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Hemorrhoids Information and Prevention
by Juliet Cohen.Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal. Hemorrhoids are enlarged, painful veins in your rectum. They may result from straining during a bowel movement or the increased pressure on these veins during pregnancy, among other causes. In the USA,...
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Homeopathic Relief for Hemorrhoids
by Donald Urquhart.Typical thoughts on homeopathy for treating hemorrhoids. Alternative therapies, like homeopathy, are gaining popularity today as treatment possibilities for all sorts of problems, including hemorrhoids. However, many people shy away from alternative ...
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Best Relief for Hemorrhoids
by Donald Urquhart.Finding the Best Hemorrhoids Relief when your in a big rush. When you find you have a serious problem with hemorrhoids, you need to find the best relief fast. What the best relief is, however, can seriously depend on your circumstances. If you have n...
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Hemorrhoids Relief and Treatment With Aromatherapy
by Donald Urquhart.Aromatherapy currently enjoys steadily increasing popularity as a method of treatment for hemorrhoids these days, but aromatherapy can often be confusing to the average person. What is it? How does it work? Does it even work at all? These are valid q...
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