Editorials » Hobbies and Interests » Golf

Have They Improved The Masters Golf Championship?
by drpositive.Bobby Lopez, past touring professional and swing guru says, "I Don't Think So."Bobby Lopez goes on to explain, "I can't tell you how disappointed I am in the powers to be at The Masters Golf Championship. They've ruined my favorite golf tournament. ...
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Equestrians and Property Trends in the USA
by rogerbourdon.In a recent investigation of the new property scene in Florida and Georgia, a remarkable growth in the influence of equestrians has become very obvious.Obviously aimed at the 'Baby Boomer' set; these properties unfortunately will not be within reach ...
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How To Avoid Back Pain Caused By Golfing
by mikejmurray.We all know that golf is not a contact sport, but that doesn't mean we can't hurt ourselves while playing it. I would imagine that many (if not most) long-time players have had back pain due to playing at some time or another. I know I have!For me, p...
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How To Insure A Good Golf Swing
by teahupoo.Many golf pros may disagree on various techniques for driving or putting but there in one pint that they all agree with, maintaining your balance during your swing. It is virtually impossible to have a good stroke if you do not keep your balance. It ...
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Golf Carts : Great For Golf, But What About All The Other Uses ?
by susan.When most people think golf carts they think of a buggy that takes a golfer and his golf clubs around the course. And that's a fair assumption seeing that is what they were originally produced for. But in this day and age there are other uses apart...
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If You Getting Into Golf You Must Have A Good Pair Of Golf Shoes
by teahupoo.Golf is one of the fastest growing leisure activities in the world. People all over the world are experiencing the joys of this challenging and rewarding sport. Golf has become wildly popular because you don't have to be a superstar athlete to enjoy ...
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Some Tips To Help You To Choose The Best Golf Shoes For You
by teahupoo.There was a time when all you needed to do to buy golf shoes was just walk into a sports shop and pick a pair, that has changed drastically. This change, ironically, is not due to scarcity but abundance of options. You'll have to take time out to kno...
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Top Golf Mental Game Tips to Reduce Your Handicap Fast
by Marla Paulsone. The mental game of golf can help to reduce your handicap pretty quickly. Putting is perhaps the biggest part of the game where how you think can make a big difference. Many people develop the putting yips not because they have bad putting mechanics ...
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Conquering the Greens at Jumeirah Golf Estate, Dubai
by John Hill. Boasting four environmentally themed, 18-hole golf courses surrounded by a variety of spectacular housing opportunities, world-class amenities and superlative services, Jumeirah Golf Estate is among the world's most prestigious residential golfing c...
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Planning The Perfect Hilton Head Golf Vacation
by Jerry Glynn. A Hilton Head golf vacation is a great way to relax, rejuvenate, and hone your golfing skills. Hilton Head Island, South Carolina is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the country, and this article will provide some information about g...
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How to Chose a Golf Bag and What to Look For
by Daniel Millions. When it comes to playing the game of golf, many people think that the last thing anyone should be thinking about is the type of golf bag that one has out on the golf playing field. However, even though nobody may be thinking about the exact type of ...
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How to Cure Your Golf Slice Fast
by Marla Paulsone. Nobody likes to slice the golf ball as it results in both loss of distance and accuracy which in turn costs you strokes on the golf course. The way to get rid of that nasty slice is not really difficult but will require you to analyze your current s...
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How to Win at Golf - Improve Your Putting
by BQ Browning. Putting is probably the single most important golf technique in the game, never forget that half of all strokes allowed for in a par score are putts. The Putting Green is an almost sacred place for golfers. It is where games are won and lost. It l...
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Fitness For Golf
by Mike Schlacter. Senior golfers need fitness for golf. This golf demographic is declining in physical abilities and the end result is a lower performance and enjoyment of the game of golf. Fitness for golf can change all that. Slowing down, if not stopping the affec...
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Improvements in Your Golf Game
by Ron K. You're frustrated at how you've been playing lately. You thought you had one of the best set of clubs in the world and it still hasn't done anything for your golf game. Even your scores remained stagnant. What a bummer. Of course, there probably has...
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The Evolution of the Golf Ball
by Ian Schnelt. The Wooden BallWhen golf first came about, the balls used were made from hardwoods such as beech and crudely rounded with tools. This period lasted from the 14th Century to the 17th Century.In the late 16th Century it is recorded that one William Ma...
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Fitness For Golf Creates a Great Mind Body Connection
by Mike Schlacter. You are how you feel. If you feel weak, tight or fatigued your mental outlook is bleak. Golfers need to pay more attention to the mind/body link if they want to play better golf.I've worked with players of all skill and fitness levels and I can tell...
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Tips For Lowering Your Golf Handicap
by Morgan Clarke. Sometimes, when people are booking a golf break with us, our clients ask us to book a couple of lessons at the beginning of their holiday. That makes sense and we can recommend the best teaches in many resorts around the world. However, here are som...
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How To Drive A Golf Ball Far And Accurately Consistently
by Marla Paulsone. There are few things more satisfying than launching a jaw dropping drive with explosive distance right down the middle of the fairway. There is no doubt that hitting the driver well makes the game a lot easier as many courses are quite long. It is a...
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Tips On How To Buy Your Golf Clubs And Bag
by Robert Thomas. Golf clubs can be expensive. The problem is that expensive doesn't always equal better. So, when it comes to buying golf clubs, a new buyer needs to consider size, fit, weight, material and comfort. If all these elements aren't there, it won't matte...
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The Rise Of Belgian Golf: The Top Golf Courses In Belgium
by Morgan Clarke. Considering Belgium's long history of playing a golf, it's strange that the country has yet to take off as the golfing hotspot it thoroughly deserves to be. A variant of golf has been played in Belgium since the 14th-Century, the weather is mild, th...
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How To Prevent Golf Injuries
by Mike Schlacter. A large number of amateur golfers suffer from golf injuries, the worst of these injuries can prevent a person from ever playing golf again - at the very least these injuries can result in the weakening of muscles and a lot of lower back pain. As mos...
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Mental Attitudes And Good Golfing
by Mike Schlacter. If you want to improve your game then it is not only your physical fitness that counts, you should also have the right mindset. Those people who want to get better at playing golf need to be able to deal with the mental challenge of clearly focusing...
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Golf Training And Instruction Go Hand In Hand
by Mike Schlacter. Many golfers look for ways to improve their swing and one way of doing this is to find yourself a good golfing instructor. An instructor will teach you how to work on the various aspects of your swing and also to advise you on the types of exercise ...
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Playing Golf For A Living
by R. Martin. Do you want to make money and play your favorite game at the same time? Who doesn't? No matter how old you are, it isn't too late to work in the world of golf. But, you will need to attend a golf school if you are serious about it. Don't worry, rela...
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