Before we discuss on diabetes diet, let us see the cause of diabetes.
In simple words, blood sugar level increases for diabetic patient because either body fails to generate enough insulin or fails to utilize body's own insulin in an appropriate way.
Let me share with you important news that there is no "diabetes diet". This implies that you and your family can eat the same balanced foods at mealtime. Carbohydrates have the greatest influence on blood sugar levels that's why diabetes patients should be careful about consumption of carbohydrate. Control diabetes and total calorie intake is the main theme of diabetes diet.
Do you know importance of calorie in diabetic diet plan?
In simple word ? it is eating right. A balanced diet consists of carbohydrates, fat and protein and required total calorie is 1200. In a 1200-calorie diabetes diet plan, 600 calories comes from carbohydrates and that means 1 gram of carbohydrate equals 4 calories. Now you can exchange the percentage of carbohydrate in your food with either meat or fat group. This is all right until the total calories remain 1200.
What's relation between serving sizes and diabetes
Do not eat more than the amount prescribed in your diabetes diet plan. If you take excess calories, it will result in excess fat and excess weight. For type 2 diabetic patient, excess body fat means less sensitivity to insulin.
Your dietitian prescribe the appropriate amount of food you require, depending on body structure, and blood sugar levels.
Here is a popular recipe for Peanut Butter Squares for diabetic patients.
1.Oil and flour aerosol spray
2.1 large egg
3.? cup ?natural? style peanut butter
4.1 cup ripe mashed banana
5.? cup skim milk
6.1 cup flour
7.1 teaspoon baking soda
8.1 teaspoon baking powder
9.? cup chopped dry-roasted peanuts
1.Preheat oven around 350 degrees. Spray an 8-inch square baking pan with aerosol spray.
2.In a bowl, beat together the egg, peanut butter and banana until it becomes smooth.
3.Beat in the milk and flour, baking soda and powder, and stir.
4.Spread the butter evenly in the pan. Bake for 30 minutes until browned. Cool and cut into 25 squares.
All information in this article is just for information. If you would want to try this Peanut Butter Squares or 1200-calorie diet, consult with your dietitian and your doctor.
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