OK. It's not a simple matter of going down to the gym and getting your brain to pump weights. But actually, the process of brain power strengthening isn't too different from that model.
You need to stretch your brain.
If all you do each and every day is the same old thing, the same routine, then your brain will start to get bored and your brain power will gradually drop. It's no wonder there are television programs that get ratings by pitching adults against ten year olds to see who is smarter.
It's time to make sure that you come out the winner!
So where do you begin in your quest to boost your brain power?
There are lots of different ways - which you prefer will dictate the ones you choose. But it may also pay you to use a method that initially gives you the reaction of "no way" as this could be the very method that tests your brain the most and brings out the biggest gains.
Puzzles are an easy way to go. If your daily commute involves the use of public transport, it's easy to take a crossword or Sudoku book with you on the journey and complete one or more puzzles each day.
If you've got one of the latest games consoles, you'll almost certainly find games that are designed to increase your brain power. Test yourself against these and see how you improve over the next few days and weeks.
Stretch your reading. Whilst some people advocate learning new words each day - and this certainly does work - it can be a bit boring. There are interactive sites on the web such as FreeRice which will test your vocabulary and start stretching it, even if you only play for a few minutes (or until you've donated a thousand grains of rice, for instance).
Eating the right foods can be a help as well. This could be a simple matter of adjusting your diet so that you increase the amount of freshly prepared foods you eat. Doing this will help you to get the right mix of nutrients and vitamins. Or if your diet isn't as varied as you would like, take a multivitamin pill on a daily basis until you get a chance to make the necessary adjustments.
Earlier on, I mentioned that you couldn't take your brain to the gym. That's not totally true as exercising your body will also release nice chemicals into your brain (called endorphins) which make you feel good and will help stretch your brain naturally.
Cut down on television. Start by cutting out the negatives contained in the news. Then carry on to find other ways to reduce your regular television intake. You won't miss it and doing other things will start to help your brain to increase its strength.
Take up meditation - especially if it has binaural beats attached to stimulate your brain whilst you meditate.
20 20 Brain Power
How does one supercharge the brainpower with subliminal messaging? Well, the theory behind this is that the mid is capable of some truly awesome things, and this is a fact that the medical and scientific industry has been harping a lot of the time. This is why there has been so much extensive research on the brain; especially the effects on subconscious manipulation. We can take inspirations from those who are truly religious and use the power of meditation to pull of some amazing stuff; like not eating for days, or the ability to lift things beyond their capabilities and the ability to withstand a healthy amount of pain without flinching.
While there is much talk about mind over matter, most of us do not have the tools necessary to pull off our very own little miracles, so we need to think about aids to help us get to that destination. There are no drugs and chemicals known at this time that can help you achieve this although some hippies over an Amsterdam would most likely beg to differ. While drugs can get us into state of mental high and release the trappings of the conscious mind, there is much doubt that it can actually give us greater mental acuity and allow us to overcome our fears in the long run.
Also, hypnosis and hypnosis CD's are a waste of time, because they assume that everyone out there has the ability to get hypnotised easily - by their own accord. While affirmation is one of the great techniques to get some real good results, it is not for everyone and it can get tedious after a while constantly repeating and writing down the same things over and over again. We have to understand that there is a appeal of the mass fast food culture population, who would like to see the easiest way laid out in front of them and when it comes to supercharging the brain, it seems even this intricate and potentially gratifying niche has not escaped normal consumer patterns.
So the personal development industry stepped in and had a look at a few things. It threw out the more complicated and science laden methods and concentrated on the easy few that could possibly be repackaged into something that would both be cost effective and appealing to the mass market. They finally settled on subliminal messaging and repackaged the power of overt messages to the sub conscious mind in the form of an audio CD. Some of them came in visual stimulation software, but the more popular CD won out in the end and this dominates the current market.
So there you have it. Packaged and retailed, available on the internet at affordable prices is the revolution that is subliminal messaging. What you will soon have in your hands is the turnkey to supercharging your brain power and improving every aspect of your life. Join in the populations of people who have benefited from walking around with a brain like no other.
Both Trevor Johnson & Gregory Frost are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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