Begin the Project Selection with the Right Initiative
Select the project for Six Sigma implementation after weighing priorities. This does not mean that you should dive at the most pressing problem first without looking at constraints. Here is a brief guideline for project selection as initiation of Six Sigma.
1.Not all projects incur or help save same amounts of money. This infers that apart from monetary considerations, you should look at weighted aspects such as simplifying draconian procedures, improvement of employee satisfaction and the potential to produce an outstanding and exemplary result that instigates further improvement projects.
2.Decision about Belts and their placement makes way for some of the tough steps while initiating a Six Sigma project. Analyze the long term cost benefits of recruiting Black Belts keeping in view the present day affordability. Grooming belts in-house is another proven option.
3.Subdividing the project deployment into 2 or 3 phases like the strategic phase, tactical phase and operational phase which systematically uses and follows statistical tools for analyses which help take the imperatives beyond the line employee level.
Scrutinize The Project Deployment Strategy In The Backdrop of Top and Bottom Line Improvements
Before you get going with the implementation, it becomes the imperative next step for the leadership to contrast the projected outcome of the project against the goals of management. The goals can be thought of as reflections of the Voice of Customers. Perhaps a pointed checklist may be very handy in critically questioning each strategic step of all involved phases.
Unless the draft strategy is scrutinized, you never know whether deployment can yield results or the whole exercise becomes a futile pipe dream. Brainstorming is another formidable tool that evolves a collective opinion on which foundation lies the legitimacy for the journey ahead. At no point in time can the project leaders and the Black Belts can afford to forget the huge sums of money at stake.
Monitoring and Factoring In the Midway Course Correction
There are unforeseen deviations that remain undetected and flowing parallel. Scheduled midway auditing by the internal or external Six Sigma auditing team must throw light on any deviation. The auditing team could be drawn from the implementation team of Black Belts with the Master Black Belt or the Champion to head it.
What you must keep in mind is that unchecked deviations could drive the deployment efforts in new undesirable directions uprooting the vision of management.
More Initiatives
Each organization must find its own way of coming out of a problem. Nothing depends entirely on the deployment team. Here are a few suggestions in this direction.
1.Establish the channels of communication for the Belts.
2.Establish a core group to implement the findings of the deployment team.
3.Keep training a constant activity.
4.Implement the survey outcomes of internal customers.
30 Rock Six Sigma
The size of the business is also not an issue anymore, as is evident from the ever-growing number of sole proprietorships and small and medium sized businesses that have successfully deployed Six Sigma. So, how is it that Six Sigma is so very versatile? Well, there are many reasons for this, but the main reason is that even after years of evolution, the basic characteristics of Six Sigma still remain the same.
Even basic objectives such as improving quality, increasing efficiency, and achieving a near-perfect defect rate that does not exceed 3.4 per million opportunities that might exist for such defects to occur, continue to remain the same. These objectives along with the basic characteristics form the core of Six Sigma deployments even today.
Businesses that want to ensure successful Six Sigma deployments will have to consider these factors before actually starting the deployment process. For better understanding, let us discuss some of the most prominent characteristics of Six Sigma deployments.
Data Driven Approach
Following a data-driven approach is inherent to all Six Sigma project deployments and is one the main factors responsible for Six Sigma's phenomenal success as a quality improvement methodology. It helps because when decisions are based on hard facts and statistics, the chances of errors and inaccuracies are reduced dramatically.
This is applicable even more so in high-tech industries, where business processes have become quite complex and managers just cannot afford to risk it all on their personal experience and gut feelings.
Continuous Quality Improvements
All Six Sigma deployments stress continuous quality improvements, something that makes them far more effective than any other type of quality improvement technique. It makes it possible for businesses to improve their product offerings in line with changing customer needs and requirements.
This in turn allows them to remain competitive in the marketplace, a prerequisite for ensuring success in the long run.
Since Six Sigma deployments involve all the various stakeholders such as employees, deployment team members, Black Belts and other Six Sigma professionals, departmental heads, senior managers, and top management, it becomes necessary for businesses to provide an effective communications platform that enables the free flow of information.
Businesses that emphasize communication during deployments find it easier to take timely decisions, a prerequisite for successful Six Sigma deployments. Effective communication also aids the timely procurement of men and material as might be required during the deployment process. Considering all these factors, it would not be wrong to say that effective communication is one of the most prominent characteristics of Six Sigma deployments.
Most Six Sigma deployments are quite complex, but if businesses concentrate on these basic characteristics, it would become easier for them to complete the deployments in a timely manner. Unleashing the full potential of Six Sigma will then no longer be a problem for these businesses.
Tony Jacowski has sinced written about articles on various topics from University, Six Sigma and Information Technology. Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solution's Six Sigma Online offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigm. Tony Jacowski's top article generates over 90500 views. Bookmark Tony Jacowski to your Favourites.
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